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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Stupidest, Most Tragic War

We are now before the 100th anniversary of World War I, the war that was supposed to end all wars. While honoring the 16 million who died in this conflict, we should also condemn the memory of the politicians, officials and incompetent generals who created this horrendous blood bath.

I’ve walked most of the Western Front of the Great War, visited its battlefields and haunted forts, and seen the seas of crosses marking its innumerable cemeteries.

As a former soldier and war correspondent, I’ve always considered WWI as he stupidest, most tragic and catastrophic of all modern wars.

The continuation of this conflict, World War II, killed more people and brought more destruction on civilians in firebombed cities but, at least for me, World War I holds a special horror and poignancy. This war was not only an endless nightmare for the soldiers in their pestilential trenches, it also violently ended the previous 100 years of glorious European civilization, one of mankind’s most noble achievements.



  1. As a history student, I must agree that this war was incited based on personal greed, pride, and arrogance. True nationalism on Germany's behalf and the desire for oppressed populations in the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires are the true culprits here.

    I like most of what Trump is doing, but I feel he doesn't know what nationalism is. Neither does the MSM. Trump means patriotism, not nationalism. Now he is correct that the NWO/UN Cabal is the globalist threat to remove sovereignty from the USA and give it to Euro-technocrat-like zombies.

  2. Current conflict has been the worst financially. Anyone remember when we (USA) were spending a BILLION a day at the onset? Yes, a BILLION a day.

    Deficit is now over 21 TRILLION. Most costly indeed!

  3. 609 you lost me with Trump. I would think as a scholar you would have an even stronger belief in the value of facts, data, and the truth. If this is so, then you would refute this president who either willingly ignores all three or is just a plain liar for the mass production of misinformation. This isn't even about conservative vs liberal policies. It's about those who are willing to create and debate policy based on the truth, especially when we disagree on the correct approach, and those who would rather fool the American people into living in fantasy land. That kind of fantasy land is what lead to the rise of Nazi Germany and WWII (not to mention countless other conflicts).

    1. Holy cow you and 609 just had a respectful discourse! Sorely lacking nowadays

    2. This is 951: we would all do better by pushing away from the key board and coming back after studying up on the issues and engaging each other in real life rather than on the keyboard.

  4. 9:51 if you think democrat policy is fresh & honest you are a historical dimwit. Trump is more open honest and sincere then any previous POTUS. a little brash but that is refreshing then listening to the broken record of promises


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