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Friday, November 30, 2018

The Race in Mississippi Was All About Race

“That’s racist!” Oh how tiresome is the charge leftists make virtually every day against a Republican somewhere. The slandered person this time is GOP Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith, who yesterday won her runoff to become the first elected female senator from Mississippi. Gov. Phil Bryant appointed her to the seat earlier this year to replace Thad Cochran. Leftmedia outlets teased 24/7 that the race would be close primarily because of contrived racial controversy, but Hyde-Smith ended up defeating Democrat and former Clinton Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy 54-46. Unwilling to let the narrative go easily, Twitter headlined that she “narrowly” won. We suppose it’s “narrow” compared to Donald Trump’s 18-point win in 2016…

Significantly, of course, Hyde-Smith’s win provides Senate Republicans with a majority of 53 seats, and thus a more comfortable cushion for anything from confirming President Trump’s judicial nominees to advancing conservative legislation to blocking Nancy Pelosi’s House legislative agenda. As we argued the day after the midterms, GOP gains in the Senate were driven mainly by voter concern over the judiciary in the wake of Democrats’ horrendous treatment of Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Speaking of horrendous treatment, that brings us back to the big issue in this race — race.


  1. Race Card NO MORE!!! sick of it.

  2. Northwest Woodsman: White lives matter? No only protected species. If that were my child, I would beg the court to release that horrible creature back in the street. We would then see real justice.

  3. Democrats don't have anything else to run on except race and other lies.


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