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Friday, November 09, 2018

Thank you!!! And now we move forward...


Having had a few days to reflect on the election, I want to share both my appreciation and thoughts about this year’s campaign.

Thank you – to everyone who volunteered, donated, took time to share my Facebook posts or emails, and especially to those who voted. I know how busy everyone is – with work or families, and every little (or lot) of time you gave towards our victory means a lot to me.

It is OUR victory, and it did not come easily. We worked very hard – knocking on doors, phone banking, sign waving, and attending events throughout the District. No vote was taken for granted, and you joined me in reaching out to Republicans, Democrats, and Independents throughout the District.

I am so grateful that you stood by me when my opponent attacked with misleading and false information. You joined with me to stand up for strong fiscally conservative principles, from tax cuts to less wasteful government spending. I am committed to going back to Congress to continue working hard for you. It will not be easy in a Democrat-majority Congress, but I have experience with being the minority Republican in Maryland, so I will not be hindered and will continue to be your voice in Washington.

The next two years will bring us the challenges of liberal leadership trying to ram bad policies through Congress, and liberal attempts to weaken or attack President Donald Trump as he heads towards re-election. Election Day may be behind us, but now is not the time to sit back. We must build and strengthen a grassroots effort in our District that supports common sense solutions. We must continue to stand together, to unite behind common sense policies for our families and businesses.

I am so appreciative of your help in this election, and I hope to see you continue to be engaged and involved.


  1. "I am so grateful that you stood by me when my opponent attacked with misleading and false information."

    OK Andy, so be a man of principle and call out your own party, and your party's leader, when they do the same.

    Congrats on the win! Now can you guys cut off the constant electioneering and get down to doing real work for the American people? This goes for all of Congress, no matter the party.

  2. Congratulations on your win!

    I held my nose and voted for you!

    Now you can go back to what you were doing and forget about the Eastern Shore once again. I would have liked to have seen someone new in the Republican party, but considering the choices, you were definitely the lesser of two evils!

    You were sincere in the beginning and stated you were a doctor and were only in this for the short time for public service, but like all politicians, the power and the office corrupted you and you became a career politician!

    You along with others are the reason we desperately need term limits. Public service should be what it is, just public service for one or two terms and then you go back to what you were doing before you entered office and once again become a part of the people that you were supposed to serve.

    Congratulations establishment Republican!!!!


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