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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Talbot County Voters Keep Property Tax Revenue Cap Intact

Changes that would have watered down the tax cap there, which is similar to that in Wicomico County, were defeated --




  1. It's good to see someone is learning from the dumbassess that call themselves Salisbury government and all their ridiculous ideas

  2. The voters in Talbot County simply could not vote to increase taxes on themselves. The voters of Wicomico County would demonstrate the same wisdom if ever the liberal politicians in Wicomico County presented the voters with the same option.
    However, thus far the County Council has continued to respect the will of the voter.

  3. We need to pay attention to the same thing here in Wicomico county! The newly elected council with it's dumbocrats will try to slip a change in as a referendum to water down our revenue cap!

  4. You Can believe it 10:34 !

  5. Fortunately, the following were reelected to the Wicomico County Council: John Cannon, Joe Holloway, Larry Dodd and Mark Kilmer. They can stop any effort by McCain and Hastings to increase taxes and spending by the County.


  6. Will Jack Heath run in Talbot to plunder their taxpayers?

  7. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Whatcha got to say about that MIKE DUNN, John Cannon and Bill McCain!!

  8. Anonymous said...
    Fortunately, the following were reelected to the Wicomico County Council: John Cannon, Joe Holloway, Larry Dodd and Mark Kilmer. They can stop any effort by McCain and Hastings to increase taxes and spending by the County.

    November 17, 2018 at 5:12 PM

    You've got that right, but as a true Republican, I have more faith in Ernie Davis than I do John Cannon. John Cannon is going to be the swing vote the next 4 years and that concerns me. I persononnaly know for a fact that John Cannon is the one who got Bill McCain to run for the County Council.

    John Cannon is going to be elected the President of the County Council again and he is going to push for fully funding Dr. Hanlin's budget. He, Bill McCain and Josh Hastings will push for fully funding Universal Pre-K, mark my word. Let's hope Democrat Councilman Ernie Davis proves to be more conservative than Johnny.


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