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Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Steve Scalise & Grover Norquist: Democrats are desperate for a job-killing, cost-increasing carbon tax

Thanks to Republican reforms like the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Americans across this country are keeping more of their hard-earned dollars and business is booming. Just this month, America was named the world’s most competitive economy. Clearly, keeping taxes low and empowering Americans and businesses works.

But as we head into Election Day, Democrats have been united in their calls for new tax hikes. Not only do they hope to take more from your hard-earned paychecks, Democrats have long looked at energy taxes as a way to fund their big-government agenda.

Not only would this raise the cost of energy for families across this country, it would place an incredible burden on small businesses and kill jobs in the energy sector.


1 comment:

  1. Americans should be pissed at Paul Ryan and the retiring never Trumpers in the house that made sure Democrats won.


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