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Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Senate Report Reveals Christine Blasey Ford Had an Encounter Similar to Her Kavanaugh Claim

The man’s description of his encounter with Ford is similar to the one Ford alleged she had with Kavanaugh in three ways

A Senate Judiciary Committee report released Saturday revealed that committee investigators interviewed a man who described a sexual encounter with Christine Blasey Ford that shared similarities to the one she claimed she had with Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh.

According to the report, a man — whose name is redacted — told committee investigators in an interview on September 26, 2018, that when he was a 19-year-old college student, he had visited D.C. over spring break and kissed a girl he believes was Christine Blasey Ford. According to the report:

He said that the kiss happened in the bedroom of a house which was about a 15-to 20 minute walk from the Van Ness Metro, that Dr. Ford was wearing a swimsuit under her clothing, and that the kissing ended when a friend jumped on them as a joke. [Redacted] said that the woman initiated the kissing and that he did not force himself on her.

The man’s description of his encounter with Ford is similar to the one Ford alleged she had with Kavanaugh in three ways.

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  1. Jeff Sessions has resigned

  2. Ford's a straight up liar. This is the tactic liars like her use. They take a real experience and twist it. Susan Smith the. one who drowned her 2 little boys in her car years ago used a related maneuver. When asked to help with a composite of the "suspect" she described her ex husband's looks to a T but added black features.

  3. But the killer of her lies and miss-remembering is the guy was black!


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