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Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Salvini To Cut Migrant Allowance In Half, Saving €400 Million

Italy's populist interior minister, and de facto most important politician, Matteo Salvini has continued his assault on what he views as Italy's biggest problem, and is expected to drastically cut the daily allowance for migrants in Italy, claiming the country could see save up to €400 million by 2019.

According to Il Giornale, the proposal would slash by almost half the current daily allowance of €35 per day to only €19 per day, which would be one of the lowest rates in western Europe. And, according to the Interior Ministry, the cuts would lead to a saving of €400 million in 2019, rising to €500 million in 2020 and €600 million in the years thereafter, unlocking much needed budgetary savings for a country that remains l

The move would also be part of the broader migration and security decree released by Salvini in late September, which also banned residency permits for so-called humanitarian reasons. Migrants will now be classified into two groups: those with recognized asylum claims and those without according to the Italian press. Those with refugee status and recognized underage migrants will have broader access to funding and government programs.


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