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Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Ron Paul Rages: Censorship & Gun Control Will Not Make Us Safe

Sadly, but not unexpectedly, the mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh is being used to justify new infringements on liberty. Of course, opponents of gun rights are claiming this shooting proves America needs more gun control. Even some who normally oppose gun control say the government needs to do more to keep guns out of the hands of the “mentally ill.” Those making this argument ignore the lack of evidence that background checks, new restrictions on the rights of those alleged to have a mental illness, or any other form of gun control would have prevented the shooter from obtaining a firearm.

Others are using the shooter’s history of posting anti-Semitic comments on social media to call for increased efforts by both government and social media websites to suppress “hate speech.” The shooter posted anti-Semitic statements on the social media site Gab. Gab, unlike Twitter and Facebook, does not block or ban users for offensive comments. After the shooting Gab was suspended by its internet service provider, and PayPal has closed the site’s account. This is an effort to make social media websites responsible for the content and even the actions of their users, turning the sites’ operators into thought police.


1 comment:

  1. Our gene pool has went from rugged individuals, willing to risk their lives and livelihoods for freedom from rulers who killed them capriciously for expressing any idea other than "yes, master, whatever you say", to a group of sniveling cowards who live on their knees waiting for the next "leader" to put, uh, ....something...in their mouth.
    Scared of the dark, completely ignorant of all history, including our own, and willing to give up EVERYONE ELSE'S rights and freedoms because they need to be lead by the nose throughout their lives.
    Revolution is coming.
    It is historically INEVITABLE.
    THEY know it, too, and that's why they are continually crushing dissent and continually chipping away at EVERY right enshrined in the greatest political document EVER WRITTEN (including the Magna Carta).
    Too many of you self-proclaimed "goot ci-di-zens" are stupid enough to believe YOU won't be a target, too, because you are such good followers.
    Sissy self delusional collaborators is all you really are....
    YOU are getting hung, too.
    Get off your knees and spit out that thing in your mouth.
    Your cheering and servile acquiescence won't be lasting much longer.


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