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Friday, November 30, 2018

Rapper Blames White People For His Criminal History

Watch this counter video proving Meek Mill dead wrong

Rapper Meek Mill recently did a piece for the NYT Opinion section where he places the problems of black people squarely on the shoulders of white people, while totally absolving himself of any responsibility.


  1. Of course! He totally makes sense. Some thug commits a robbery with a stolen handgun and is then sentenced to jail - it’s obviously because of the white man. Because that same dude committed another crime after he gets out and is given a longer sentence then normal it is totally because of those white skinned scheming people due to the plantation masters. How silly of me not to realize that!

  2. I'd cheerfully send his butt back to wherever his ancestors came from. He can sit in a grass shack next to Barry's brother and chuck spears all day long.

  3. This is so typical that it is becoming almost comical. Frankly the race card from the deck of responsibility is getting boring. I agree with 7:30 AM; go back to whence you came and take back your right to exist under your terms and conditions.

  4. As much as many try, still CAN'T FIX STUPID!

  5. Since so many are unhappy here, it proves Pres. Lincoln was right when he wanted in his words, "I will later, rid the landscape of the black host".
    He said that to the white men in congress after they were trying to pass a law to stop his "emancipation" push.
    He was going to send 90% of them out of the country!

  6. Northwest Woodsman: For a group that hates us whites as much as blacks do, they sure make every effort to follow us wherever we go and wherever we establish communities. I think one of the contributing factors of their hate is that down deep, they know they are unable to survive without our assistance. Their lack of ability to plan ahead, organize effectively and weigh the consequences is clearly demonstrated everywhere they are in a majority and are in charge of whatever the operation is. Take a look at the cities they control. Baltimore is a great example. The bottom line is that they are incapable, they know it and envy of white culture and accomplishments drives their hatred. By the way a clarification here, I am not a racist and do not fear being called one. I have black friends who as individuals, have proven worthy of my friendship. I am, however, a realist and look at the race situation as how it is rather than how the marxists would like us to believe it is.
    A clash of the two incompatible cultures will continue until either cross breeding occurs or separation of the races occurs. If you were to look at Lincoln’s and Jefferson’s speeches and writings, you will find that they thought along those same lines

  7. They do have an inherent lack of intelligence. Which they cannot help but prove every time they open their mouths. The lack of intelligence has been passed from African parent to child for centuries. While Europe and Asia advanced and evolved, African stayed in the stone age. Their intelligence did not advance while all of Europe and Asia did. This lack of intelligence is still inherited by each succeeding generation of the African race. But it's the fault of the white race that they lack the smarts to do as good as us? Listen to them talk, observe their actions (such as walking around with their pants below their azz)and tell me I'm wrong. Think about it? What contributions have they made to society? Peanut butter? OUR fault they have problems? Is it also our fault that they are killing each other off at such a high rate. Keep it up and they will go extinct.


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