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Thursday, November 08, 2018

Pelosi: 'We'll Have Accountability, and We'll Strive for Bipartisanship'

Flanked by her two young grandsons and some of her fellow Democrats, presumptive incoming Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told a victory rally Tuesday night that Democrats "have taken back the House for the American people."

"We'll have accountability, and we'll strive for bipartisanship, with fairness on all sides," she said.

She also promised that Democrats will strive for "peace" and "results."

More here

[Wouldn't that be lovely? One can only hope.. --Editor]


  1. That is what she said before and she and Obama was the most secretive and partisan. She only wants to BULLY other Politians. She is starting off lying before she can take the position. Lets see how true this is when the investigations and impeachment begins.

  2. Thanks, Obama! Or is it Bush's fault? I can't keep it straight.

  3. That won't last long. Schumer is already yelling. She will be next after she loses speaker of house to someone much younger.

  4. Yeah okay, keep feeding the idiots more drival you useless POS.

  5. Now we fully know why her eyes are brown...she's full of shit!

  6. She's had so much plastic surgery, her mouth snaps shut when she crosses her legs...

  7. How in the hell could anyone trust a person who won't remember what she said 5 minutes from now.



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