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Saturday, November 10, 2018

No Blue Wave In 2018... But A Tsunami Of Hate

In the early evening following the midterm elections, Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s wife was home alone when she suddenly became startled by a loud thumping at her door. The thumping came from a group of Antifa radicals, whose desire it was to strike terror into the hearts of Carlson’s family.

Susan Carlson ran upstairs as the mob that CNN refers to as “protesters” screamed disgusting threats at the Carlson residence, spray-painted the driveway and continued to try to force entry through the front door, which they broke.

The only thing seemingly missing from this display of intimidation and hatred were burning tiki torches. While the radical left seems preoccupied with labeling everyone that disagrees with their political views as white supremacist Nazis, including Israel-loving Middle Eastern women such as myself, threatening displays like this seem awfully similar to the days of the KKK burning crosses on the lawns of blacks they wanted to leave town.

That was the message these radicals wanted to send to Tucker Carlson, along with his wife and children, who thank God were not home at the time: leave town and shut up.



  1. The new civil war has begun. Democrats are coming after our guns and other Constitutional rights. Democrats, Soros have begun the new civil war with ANTIFA, BLM, and the new Black Panthers along with the other ANARCHIST groups.

  2. I hope that Tucker Carlson and his wife both get a concealed carry permit. Jake Day does and it's his party that consists of members of ANTIFA including him, James Yamakawa, Jared Schablein, Jake Burdette, Michele Gregory, Seamus Benn, Jamaad Gould, John Wright, Ron Pagano, Dan O'Hare, et. al.


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