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Sunday, November 25, 2018

Nanticoke Road Closure


  1. I drive by there on a regular basis as I live right around the corner.
    It would be really nice to hear about a repair schedule or any official update from someone in authority!

    From my memory, it didn't take this long to re-do it last time - I didn't see the washout then so I can't compare the initial state. Considering that it washed out again, did they bid is cheap, do it wrong, or were they limited by some tree-hugging rules?!

    Does anyone really know what is going on here? How about a response from the district County Council member and the at-large members - time to actually do what you were elected for!

    1. 6 months last time. If you actually lived around the corner YOU would now that. It's YOUR district rep YOU should call and let WE THE PEOPLE apprise us at once. Take RESPONSIBILITY of your life. Thank you

  2. Please get a different engineer this time!

  3. Tell Mark to do his job and put away that toy.

  4. Job security for those idiots at SHA.

  5. It washed out because they are morons who keep fixing it... They add a little more stone or rock or aka riprap and you think that will solve the problem... You need bulkheads here plain and simple...

    Just like at the mall, there is this inlet that keeps creating a very large pot hole and all they do is refill it with dirt and re patch it, when the problem is with the water tight connection from the inlet to the pipe that goes to the pond... There is a leak and it is eroding the sand or dirt away and will keep doing so, until they fix the leak... But they won't so they rather keep spending time and money repairing it the wrong way... As if they love wasting money...

  6. WHO Inspected it last time ? Mr Magoo.

  7. You notice that in the video there isn't any State vehicles or equipment on site ? That's how its been since the washout occurred. Over a month now and I drive by there every day and not a single thing being done.

    Nanticoke Rd. is a heavily traversed road and this detour is a not a short work around.

    I pity the people who live on Crooked Oak. That road was not meant to have all this traffic. The first part when you turn onto Crooked Oak off of Rockawalkin is residential and 30 mph. It was hell today trying to get around the garbage trucks with all the traffic coming and going. Also the Sheriff's department must be cleaning house on those that do get by because they have been sitting out there. I can't say I blame them though becasue there is so much traffic and the cars going to fast could hurt someone who lives in the area.

    If your stuck behind one of the School buses then your screwed for sure because you can't get around them from Rockawalkin through Crooked Oak and back onto Nanticoke Road. All of them do 10 under the speed limit so traffic really gets backed up then in the mornings.

    I understand this is going to take a big undertaking to get this fixed and it will take time but over a month and no one is working at the site and no word on an update is unreasonable. All you see if those lights being run by generators burning fuel but nothing else. Its almost as if the state gave up on the road completely.

  8. I think that now a lady is in charge of state roads in this area , Donnie Drewer has left . That should tell you something. Make me another samich lady!.

  9. This is a state road people , the county isn't responsible for any of this.

  10. I spoke with several people from the State Roads in Salisbury , one of the higher-ups insured me that they would be starting on the repair next week , we shall see. They will be approving the design this week . There will be no bridge or higher road , however they will install a larger and secondary spillway under the road . Remember people the more people complain the faster the results. That's the wheel that gets the grease .

  11. The showing of this post will put the ball rolling , bet me buster.

  12. Boy, go to your council meetings people, do something about your gripes and stop blaming people who have nothing to do with this.

  13. 12:25PM, what kind of moron are you? Women can't do the job, is that what you're saying? If I remember correctly, Donnie Drewer sure wasn't all that either. I remember reading complaint after complaint about him.

  14. The Mayor of Berlin is the SHA spokesperson or was. Give him a jingle.

  15. Why don't they do it right this time and build a bridge?? Any idiot knows when you keep making the same mistake over and over, you can't expect a different outcome.

  16. Watch and see who they have working there. Illegals? Then you know why it did not last this time. Their work sucks. They make a mistake, they keep quiet about it for fear of being fired.

    1. Who was the state official that gave it the APPROVAL ?

  17. Going to be a while waiting for environmentalists to approve.

  18. I want to know the idiot SHA boss that signed off on this ? .

  19. 9

    9:01-Everyone has authority over you so anyone can respond.

  20. This reminds me of the IDIOT in charge of County Roads. Six years ago they dug out my ditch lower than he culvert and the bank has been washing out from the bottom destroying my ditch bank. Rick Pollitt was out with this idiot when this croony said it was my fault. My ditch back has dropped approx. 6in down about 6ft from my drive. I have come to the conclusion that I will be fixing this problem as soon as I can get the culvert and crush and run. The County with all their degrees or dumber than the asphalt they put down when they tar and chipped my road. This individual was Ricky boys appointment and knows nothing about road construction and maintaining the County ditches, even the one side they maintain is collapsing. He does not have the credentials for this job.

  21. Not one person who commented seem to know what caused it. I viewed the photos of some people who live on Oliver. Theydocumented over a several hour period an island of dirt and trees drifting toward the dam. It drifted into and then blocked the drain pipe causing the water to overtop the road and erode it from the downstream side. Bet the design didn't account for a floating island.

  22. Too many homes that should have never been approved because the low clay soils can not support septic tanks and dumb hicks approved 20 years ago and now nothing but low end trash on the west side


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