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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Morris Mill Dam Upgrade Halted Temporarily

Work on the Morris Mill Dam is temporarily on hold due to encountering unexpected soil conditions. The construction plans are being revised to address the issues but they must be approved by the Maryland Department of Environment's Office of Dam Safety before construction can resume. Morris Mill Dam is classified as a high hazard dam and safety is first and foremost. Every precaution is being taken to keep the community safe during construction.

Work is expected to resume by the end of December. Public Works appreciates the public's patience with this project as all necessary steps are taken to ensure the final product is a safe, stable, and updated dam.


  1. Let me guess: the soil is too wet....just like my f*#@!ing yard!!
    I'm afraid if it rains anymore, the EPA will declare my yard a 'wetland'!

  2. A”high hazard dam” does not have anything to do with safety being “first and foremost” on a job site.

  3. I get tired of all these little cute sayings every day now
    First and foremost ?
    At the end of the day?
    Having said that?
    Moving forward ?
    Let me be clear?
    Come on really
    Give all this crap a rest already people

  4. The Hoover Dam was built faster than this project or the Nanticoke Road problem.


  5. It's been a boondoggle from the start. Joe should put this one up there with the downtown 'bury construction 'countdown'.

  6. Does this mean ANOTHER year delay before reopening the road? SMH

  7. The Empire State Building was built in 365 days, start to finish. You can look it up!

  8. Do away with the dam and put a bridge there. No dam is needed in that location. Unless some good ole boy lives there and wants water on his precious property.


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