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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

More adenovirus cases revealed by University of Maryland following freshman's death

Three more students at the University of Maryland have become sickened by the Adenovirus — less than a week after the school announced one student's death from a deadly strain of the virus.

The university health center's director, David McBride, said none of the new cases required hospitalization, according to Fox 45.

"Please remember that Adenoviruses are common causes of colds and are normally found in significant numbers of people at this time of year," he said. "There are strains that can cause more serious illness, but not every individual with an Adenovirus infection will follow a complicated course."

Olivia Paregol, an 18-year-old freshman at the school, died on Nov. 18 after suffering from the type 7 strain of the adenovirus. From Howard County, Maryland, Paregol died less than three weeks after the school learned she had the illness.

As the school's health center announced her death last Tuesday, officials revealed an additional five students had been diagnosed with the virus, too, after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed one of the specimens they sent to their lab was type 7 of the illness.


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