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Friday, November 30, 2018

Migrant Caravan Leaders DEMAND U.S. Speed Up Asylum Process

Central American migrants in the caravan held a press conference in Tijuana, Mexico, on Tuesday and demanded that the United States speed up its asylum process to allow more migrants into the country.

Migrants who have spoken to establishment media outlets in recent months have cited economic reasons for coming to the United States. Economic claims, though, as even numerous establishment media outlets have noted, do not qualify migrants for asylum. As a CBS Evening News report recently acknowleged: “Most tell us they are fleeing extreme poverty, but that’s not a condition for asylum or refugee status in the U.S.”

But on Tuesday, the migrant leaders claimed that “they are going to get killed” if they return to their countries, according to NBC News.

Later in a statement, the migrants again admitted that they were in fact coming to the United States to get access to jobs, education, and health care in addition to “a life without threats.”

More here


  1. Later in a statement, the migrants again admitted that they were in fact coming to the United States to get access to jobs, education, and health care in addition to “a life without threats.”

    Good luck with that chump. I was born here over 70 years ago and still looking for some of that.

  2. Yet they are the ones issuing threatening statements and accosting law enforcement personnel....we (Americans) have enough hypocrites (Dems) please return home and try again when you grow up with your paperwork filled out.

  3. I guess none of them intend to go to Houston, Philly, LA, Baltimore, or Chicago.
    LOTS of threats to their lives will happen there.

  4. Since when do we let imigrants dictate to America how it is going to be. Some of their leaders are very delusional.

    1. Agreed, they have no rights in our country and certainly no right to demand anything

  5. I hate Migrants and will kill as many as I can.
    Now go home, you are now threatened here!


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