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Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Jake Day's House


  1. Poor Jake Day!! All his back room deals fell apart yesterday. NOJack Heath to help him pillage the ttaxpayers of Salisbury and wicomico county. NO Dan O'Hare in a delegate seat to help him in Annapolis. It's time to start today to fight these idiots and get him and the camellia Carl anderton out of the process. Take back your city people

  2. Carl is a piece if garbage.

  3. A vending machine really? if he needs $ that bad just borrow from the ones who spawned him. LOOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Lmao. Johnathan has lost his mind and can’t deal. Not surprised. I don’t always agree with you Joe, at least you have a spine. Carry on

  5. Does anyone know who may run against Day when he is up for re-election? Someone strong needs to step up to the plate and get him out. His term should be ending soon.

  6. But we are still stuck with Cannon!

  7. Anonymous said...
    But we are still stuck with Cannon!

    November 7, 2018 at 12:53 PM

    And John Cannon is already telling the Salisbury Independent that he wants to stay on as the County Council president. He has been bragging that he has served 7 out of his 8 years as the president and he wants to keep on serving? He is the poster child for Term Limits.


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