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Wednesday, November 07, 2018

In 2016, Soros Boasted Of Spending $500 Million On Migrants

“I have decided to earmark $500 million for investments that specifically address the needs of migrants, refugees and host communities,” Soros wrote in The Wall Street Journal.

Democratic donor George Soros earmarked half a billion dollars in 2016 to support migrants, writing that “harnessing the power of the private sector” is critical to support the “tens of millions of people [who] are on the move, fleeing their home countries in search of a better life abroad.”

“I have decided to earmark $500 million for investments that specifically address the needs of migrants, refugees and host communities,” Soros wrote in The Wall Street Journal. “I will invest in startups, established companies, social-impact initiatives and businesses founded by migrants and refugees themselves. Although my main concern is to help migrants and refugees arriving in Europe, I will be looking for good investment ideas that will benefit migrants all over the world.”

“We will also work closely with organizations such as the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Rescue Committee to establish principles to guide our investments,” he added.

The New York Times reported on Oct. 31 that “Mr. Soros is being heatedly, if implausibly,cast as the financier of the immigrant caravan, a deep-state presence in the federal bureaucracy and the hidden hand behind the protests against Mr. Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.”

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  1. He has also boasted about helping the Nazi's confiscate Jewish peoples property. Such a great upstanding guy.......NOT!

  2. a subverserve POS that really needs to be locked up and stripped of his money

  3. he should spend 500 million dollars ARMING those cowards so THEY could do what they SHOULD do --- overthrow their dictators and make THEIR country great.
    Instead, they run like little mice to a place where brave men and women will take care of them and make them feel good.
    Keep cheering.

  4. !!Yes!! They call us !Insane##! We knew this. Yes! ((they)) think we are Stupid.!!!

  5. imclain not his plan. he seeks to destroy us from within by watereing down the populace with scum from @#$%hole countries and turning us into a commie paradise.

  6. He needs to go back to Europe and stand trial for his actions. I bet he gets to write this off his taxes.


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