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Thursday, November 08, 2018

Hogan ready to flex political muscle after winning re-election

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan became the first Republican governor to win re-election in the state since the 1950s, rolling to victory Tuesday over Democrat Ben Jealous in a race the governor said puts a red hue on a formerly deep blue state.

Now, he says, it’s time to spread the red, flexing his muscle on major political battles such as the upcoming redistricting process.

The Associated Press called the race for the 62-year-old governor at 9:07 p.m. — one bright spot for the GOP in what was expected to be an electoral bloodbath for Republican-held governor’s mansions across the country.

“Four years ago, we ushered in a new era of bipartisanship,” Mr. Hogan told supporters Tuesday evening. “I’m proud we’re setting an example for the rest of America.”

Mr. Hogan won easily in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans by a 2-to-1 margin, avoiding entanglements in hot-button social issues and focusing on the state’s business climate and local concerns such as traffic congestion. He also wasn’t shy about distancing himself from President Trump on touchy immigration policy questions.

“It’s still a Democratic state, but we’ve made it a place that can be competitive,” Mr. Hogan told The Washington Times in the run-up to Election Day.

He touted his ability to hold the line on taxes during his first term, said he’ll push for more accountability in education spending, and keep a focus on environmental stewardship.

But he said he’ll also invest second-term political capital on redistricting, which states will do after the 2020 census, redrawing state and congressional legislative districts.

Democrats who controlled the process the last go-around gerrymandered the lines to ensure only a single Republican-leaning district.

More here


  1. Is redistricting for MD good or bad?

  2. Fix the corrections issue! All talk and no action.

  3. Dave T: Congratulations on your victory Mr. Hogan. Let's hope a miracle occurs and you gain some real common sense and a true backbone to go with it. Great how you are so proud that Maryland is "setting an example for the nation." Very disappointing indeed that its an example of what NOT to be.
    You have been re elected, but you certainly need to connect with the people who elected you. And from what I can see, you have a very long way to go.

  4. 7:40
    It depends on who you ask lol Most of Maryland counties vote red. There are 3 to 4 counties that turn the state blue because of such a large population. The Democrats are trying to change maps so that there are more democrats in the certain areas so that that district votes for them.

  5. Laughable statement.

  6. Yup, saw him at Walmart buying his new Knee pads.

  7. Same old BS we heard during his first campaign and got nothing the "bullying" Democrats didn't want. Hogan does not know what the "veto" pen is for. Hogan never introduced or lowered requirements or cost on "right to carry" permits. Maryland is a Democrat State and Hogan has done nothing to change that direction because of the Baltimore / DC corridor and the DC money.


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