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Friday, November 30, 2018

Election Flips Again Fort Final Recount On Wicomico Board of Education

When Mr. Goslee asked for a recount, (perfectly understandable) after losing by only one vote, the recount proved that he had in fact actually WON by one vote instead. Congratulations Mr. Goslee. 


  1. Funny how no one is addressing the malfunction

  2. It is as it should be..

  3. Northwest Woodsman: Don’t know his party affiliation, however, if he were a Marxist democrat, a box or bag of previously lost ballots would have been found with 900 pro democrat votes contained therein.

  4. Who says your vote doesn't count? In this case, one vote obviously did.

  5. who teaches the election folks how to count?? oh, yeah... wicomico county schools. makes sense now.

  6. Maybe his first job on the board will be to see that when children go to school, they learn to count.

  7. The error was probably in the provisional ballot count. The election board probably discovered a couple bogus ballots by unverified voters.

  8. I think we need another recount.... in all seriousness. A true independent count to be sure.


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