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Wednesday, November 28, 2018


The Mississippi Legislature's professed interest in 'women's health' is pure gaslighting. Its leaders are proud to challenge Roe but choose not to lift a finger to address ... our alarming infant and maternal mortality rate.
NOVEMBER 27, 2018

District Judge Carlton W. Reeves, in a ruling that permanently blocks one of the strictest abortion laws in the country -- Mississippi's 15-week ban.

Source: NPR

I teach middle school because when I was in eighth grade on 9/11/2001, that was the day I received my first death threat. It was in my locker. It was shoved in there. My teachers did nothing.

NOVEMBER 26, 2018

Shifa Bhatti, a Pakistani-American teacher in Texas

Source: NPR

I don’t want you to think I’m picking on you because we’re part of the master race.

NOVEMBER 21, 2018

Leavenworth County Commissioner Louis Klemp, who is white, talking to a black woman at a public hearing. The comment led Kansas GOP Gov. Jeff Colyer to call for Klemp's resignation.

Source: The Hill

Folks can go to the San Diego Zoo to see the endangered pandas and then visit San Diego City Hall to see one of the last California Republicans.

NOVEMBER 20, 2018

San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, a Republican, joking about the state of his political party. In the midterm election, the GOP lost every statewide office in California, and Democrats regained their supermajority in the legislature.

Source: the Los Angeles Times

I don’t agree, obviously, with her politics. I just think she qualifies as significant.

NOVEMBER 19, 2018

Texas school board member Marty Rowley, a Republican, who supports adding Hillary Clinton back into the state's U.S. history curriculum after she was removed earlier this year.

Source: Tribune News Service


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