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Friday, November 30, 2018

Cafeteria worker jumped by students at east Baltimore school

BALTIMORE (WBFF) - A Baltimore school cafeteria worker was in the hospital Tuesday night, after she says two students attacked her.

The violent confrontation was caught on camera and the victim’s family is speaking out.

The cafeteria worker says she was attacked by to female students. School police said it happened Tuesday at the National Academy Foundation Middle-High School in east Baltimore.

“They attacked my sister. She could not defend herself,“ said Kenya Mackey, the victim’s sister.



  1. Imagine the outrage if the attackers were of the white privilege spectrum?

  2. Now the lunch ladies aren't even safe.

  3. The "appropriate" punishment in Baltimore??? They FIRE THE WORKER.
    The students are given a tutor, a new cell phone, and a cash allowance, with an apology for making the black kids feel bad.
    EVERY school in Baltimore has already reached it's quota of possible suspensions/expulsions of black kids. And it ain't even December yet....
    The appropriate punishment?? Shoot their parents in the head.

    Keep cheering.

  4. animals that need to be put in their place

  5. Those be the entitlement babies.

  6. This same attitude and mentality is witnessed in our schools everyday. Thanks to the Obama & Holder DOJ the schools hands are tired and the students get away with ever escalating levels of misbehavior. It is only a matter of time before we see this happening in Wicomico.
    Thanks Obama.


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