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Friday, November 09, 2018

Bottom Line in Florida: Broward County Election Officials Have Been Violating the Law

By now, you know that Republicans are raising the alarm over what's happening in Florida, as the margins apparent election night GOP victories -- punctuated by Democratic concessions -- are being whittled down in a heavily blue county. As expected, Democrats are falsely accusing the GOP of wanting to stop the process of counting votes. Republicans counter by raising a top Broward County election official's known history of malfeasance and incompetence, aggressively accusing the opposition party of try to steal an election, noting that the county has "discovered" tens of thousands of votes since election day, refusing to say how many more there are, or where they've been. Some of this may be dismissed as partisan shouting over the dramatic denouement of yet another tight Florida contest. But it's important to understand that overwhelmingly liberal Broward and Palm Beach Counties have been in ongoing violation of election law. That is the central issue here:


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