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Friday, November 30, 2018

Bill And Hillary Go To Canada, Collect Check For Bashing Trump In Front Of Mostly Empty Arena

Playing in front of just over 3,000 people in an arena that can seat about six times that number in Toronto Tuesday evening, Bill and Hillary Clinton found a variety of ways to slam the sitting President of the United States, whose reign is so awful, his vanquished presidential opponent suggested, that she was considering moving to Canada to restart her political career as a member of parliament.

The event was hosted by one of the reluctant "stars" of the politically damaging Clinton Foundation expose by Peter Schweizer "Clinton Cash," Frank McKenna, a former Canadian ambassador and current deputy chair of the Toronto-Dominion Bank who Schweizer describes as having "paid Bill more than any other financial institution for lectures," amounting to some $1.8 million for ten speeches over just two years, which Schweizer suggests is related to the Keystone Pipeline battle.



  1. What a pair of loser democrap bozo's!

  2. Perhaps the Clinton mystique has vanished. What is too bad and so sad is the trail of "destruction" left in their wake; it is not for me to judge but perhaps they will get their due in the after life.

  3. Don't mean them any harm like they meant us, but it would pleasure me to see tomatoes throw at them (rotten like themselves of course).

  4. They should be prevented from re-entering the country as being a criminal enterprise!

  5. Go ahead move to Canada lots of your friends said they wanted to go too. Oh wait, they haven't left yet!

  6. Northwest Woodsman: I can truthfully state that since the beginning of the Clinton fiasco beginning in the 80s, I have never listened to a word uttered from the mouth of that slimy character or his miserable and hateful spouse. I always turned the tv off, changed the channel or left the room. I have a very effective BS detector and I knew that every word out of his mouth was a self-serving lie. The same with his hateful companion. I had friends in the Secret Service at that time and to the man, they all hated the Clintons. I find it hard to believe that there are people stupid enough to pay for and attend any event featuring the Clintons. Even at $15.00 a ticket, it is hard to believe. Maybe the attendees are being paid to attend as they were for Hildabeast rallies.

  7. The Clinton roadshow is taking on the appearance of a sideshow.


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