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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Authorities Are Using A "Mysterious New Tool" That Can Unlock Virtually Any Cellphone

Your cellphone is a gold mine of information about where you have been, who you have been talking to, and what you have been doing online. And now a “mysterious new tool” is enabling law enforcement authorities all over the nation to get access to that information on virtually any phone.

So if you end up going to prison someday, it could be the evidence that is pulled out of your cellphone that ultimately puts you away. Of course most Americans never even consider that their own cellphones could be systematically gathering evidence against them. For most of us, cellphones are simply extremely convenient tools that allow us to communicate effectively with the rest of the world. But if the authorities decide to investigate you, your cellphone is going to be one of the first things that they want, and what they find on there could put you behind bars for a very, very long time.

There are some people out there that are still operating under the assumption that the data on their cellphones is safe from the prying eyes of law enforcement authorities. That actually has not been true for a long time, and now a new tool is enabling them to unlock virtually any cellphone. The following comes from WHIO

Law enforcement agencies are using a mysterious new tool to unlock the cellphones of criminal suspects and access their text messages, emails and voice messages. Some agencies around the country, concerned about security, are not even acknowledging use of the devices. Adding to the secrecy surrounding the new tool, one of the companies that makes and sells the devices to police and government agencies does not display their products on the company website.

These are basically “hacking devices”, and it may take a number of hours, but they will eventually get into your cellphone.

These hacking devices reportedly cost between $15,000 and $30,000, so they are quite expensive, but apparently law enforcement agencies all over the nation have been heavily buying them.

Because if you can get into the cellphone of a suspect, it often provides everything that is needed to solve a case



  1. It would be easier just to pay off the phone company than spend MY tax dollars for a system that takes HOURS, maybe even DAYS to "hack" into a phone.

    Some may say that's unethical or taking away of one's privacy.....HAHAHAHAAHA keep believing that crap as we walk down the street (boardwalk) and they video tape us....or at an ATM where they take our picture...mall camera's, casino cams, traffic cams....etc., etc.

    Really folks, unethical or privacy - that went away in the 1980's!

  2. Fine by me. Go get 'em!

  3. Anyone who thinks that their electronic device ( Phone, Laptop, Tablet, Flat Screen) is safe from eavesdropping is very naive.

  4. And there are people placing listening devices into their homes willingly.

    Ever heard of Alexa, Siri, Echo ?

    People are fools.

  5. Hack mine. They'd be bored to tears.


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