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Saturday, November 10, 2018

Armed Man Shot, Killed By Officers Serving 'Red Flag' Protective Order

FERNDALE, Md. -- Two police officers ordered to remove firearms from a house on a "red flag" protective order fatally shot an armed man Monday morning in Ferndale, Maryland, police said. Anne Arundel County Police arrived at the house at 5:17 a.m. to remove guns from the home under a new law that temporarily allows for the seizure of firearms if a person shows "red flags" that they are a danger to themselves or others, CBS Baltimore reports.

A man, later identified by police as 61-year-old Gary Willis, answered his door with a gun in his hand, Anne Arundel County Police Sgt. Jacklyn Davis said.

Sgt. Davis said the man put the gun down. But then, according to a police press release, Willis "became irate" when officers attempted to serve the order. Willis picked the weapon up again, "a fight ensued over the gun," and a shot was fired, Davis said. The first shot didn't strike anyone, but the officers then fatally shot the man, Sgt. Davis said.

Neither of the officers were injured. Their names weren't released.

It wasn't clear why the "red flag" order was issued. A spokeswoman for the Maryland Judiciary denied a request from the Baltimore Sun to release protection order requests associated with the home, citing the law which states the orders are confidential unless a court rules otherwise.


  1. We have now openly reached the dream world of governments like China, the Soviet Union, and North Korea. But now in America.
    CITIZENS have been convinced to inform on their fellow citizens and of course, they will be protected by "confidentiality" laws.
    Anonymous little bit**es with no proof other than WHAT THEY THINK write a "statement" pointing out the bad guys (their opinion!) to the "authorities" and with no other proof and no charges, armed and dangerous men lead an assault on said bad guy. Kill him? Just protecting and serving the State, ma'am. Seig Heil! You BETTER salute back, too, and praise the Dear Leader.
    People cheer!!?
    Don't answer the door. Wait for them to kick it in and open fire with everything you have. You want to spit on the Bill of Rights? You want the populace to become your informers? Open fire......first.
    WTF is the matter with you people??
    NONE of you have ever read the Declaration of Independence? The Bill of Rights?? Your "leaders" certainly haven't....
    How about testicles? You have any of them left either?
    It's just around the corner where all of your TV's and computers will be open mic's and steady streaming video. You WILL be sorry you cheered this outlandishly communist BS. Remember a CRITICAL detail -- YOU don't get to decide what is right or wrong.
    Oh. Right. YOU never do ANYTHING wrong.
    Yes, you do. They just haven't got to you yet.
    I hope your grandchildren don't fall asleep on the couch and get 20 rounds from a cop who saw something move in the darkness and became even more afraid than he already was after he rams your door open and they jump up in surprise. Because your former daughter-in-law hates you now and knows you have a dozen rifles.
    You total idiots. Such Goot Ci-di-zens!
    You are being used. Read 1984 by Orwell. On second thought, if you haven't read either of the above-noted documents, Orwell would be way down your list.
    Keep cheering.

  2. So you don’t get to know who your accusers are. Can’t defend yourself that way. No trial Sounds like he was murdered by law enforcement to me. Hogan this week s on your shoulders


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