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Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters Vow Revenge And Ramped-Up Russiagate If Dems Take House

Democratic lawmakers are licking their chops for the opportunity to settle a few scores and ensure that "Russiagate" follows President Trump into the 2020 election.

California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters told a group of constituents last week what she would do after the November 6th election, which she said "may be the most important one that you've ever had to experience."

The 80-year-old Rep. will chair the Financial Services Committee if Democrats regain control of the House.

"I will be the first African-American, the first woman to chair the powerful Financial Services Committee," Waters said. "That’s all of Wall Street. That’s all the insurance companies, that’s all the banks. And so, of course, the CEOs of the banks now are saying, ‘What can we do to stop Maxine Waters because if she gets in she’s going to give us a bad time?'"

She then threatened Republicans:

"I have people who are homeless who have never gotten back into a home. What am I going to do to you? What I am going to do to you is fair. I’m going to do to you what you did to us," Waters vowed.



  1. Waters is all threat, no action.

  2. True 6AM.I've seen that all of my life.

  3. Waters should put her CRAP TON of money where her babbling diarrhea spewing mouth is..maybe put up some of those homeless in her multi-million dollar mansion...she is so corrupt and the people there keep electing her...unreal...

  4. Schiff and Waters are complete A-holes!!!!!!


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