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Sunday, November 11, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Is This Legal?

"I hear Heath has elementary school kids handing out apples for votes near several polling places. Is that legal due to their age? Is he trying to play the sympathy card"?

Unfortunately it is legal and the Heath/Day team have stooped to the lowest level possible. It never ceases to amaze me how creative these Liberals, (yes, I said Liberals because that's who/what Jack Heath truly is) have become to get as close as they possibly can to almost cross the legal line. 

The "children" USED to help the Liberal campaign got CREDIT for community service. These kids couldn't care less WHO the candidate is, nor do they truly understand who they're representing. To me, it's a form of SLAVERY, free labor. 

Nevertheless, Jack Heath lost BIG. It has become extremely clear after Palmer Gillis stomped on Trump this past summer that our Eastern Shore is enjoying our new economy. The Good Ol' Boys, (who turned on Rick Pollitt in the past) have lost their power and the playing field is becoming more fair. Their attempt to stomp on Culver clearly failed because we are all fed up. 

Finally, we have an open and honest County Executive. No trickery and proven results. Bob didn't force staff to stand at the polls and work on his behalf, unlike Jake Day and the Salibury Folk Festival.

Congratulations Wicomico County.


  1. He needs to shove that Apple in his Fat losing Mouth.

  2. I knew just looking at, hearing Heath talk I didn't trust him or like his character. This further goes to show voters were right!

  3. This has Jake Day written all over it!! It's time to step up and get this idiot out of office. The proposition was solicited to a man of substance Hal Chernoff. He had no interest and gets more out of his current situation and approach. There has to be change from Jake day and someone that is a true leader and not some social media whore just looking for popularity and acceptance

  4. Exactly right he tried to pull a fast one by running as an Unaffiliated. Salisbury which has become nothing but low life's anymore living there would go for this kind of con but not the good people of the county.

  5. Guess Delmar's Mayor id =s unhappy since he was supporting Heath.

    1. Delmar’s mayor is a joke, BOE employee that swears she tells it like it is and can not take the heat when dished back. She sucks and her support for Heath certified her lack of intelligence. Her endorsement hurt more than helped.

  6. It is quite amusing to see all the local dems posting their disgust on social media, after the democratic candidate for county executive got more votes than Jack Heath. The "blind vote" has always been your strong suit; and now you don't like it? You reap what you sow...

  7. The only trickery involved was Health filing to run the way he did. This is proof he is a man with no principles and is as dishonest as the day is long. Certainly he isn't embarrassed but his family's heads should be dragging the ground in shame over what a low man he really and truly has proven himself to be. Having to be stuck with him as a husband or to have something like that as a father is something they should be pitied over. He's a disgrace.

  8. Heath ran a nasty campaign and people got tired of it. Some actions may not have been him directly but it was his team. If Heath could not manage his team’s behaviors how would he be able to manage the county.

    I am tired of hearing he could have or should have. He was not the right person for the job. Election day, people had their minds made up. Those actions were completely unnecessary and disturbing. That is exactly why people reported it. So, what is elections doing to prevent this nonsense in the future?

  9. You know what's sad? That Goofball Heath lost to that Democrat Doofus with rotten teeth.


  10. Now let's ask John Cannon why he wasted his vote on Jack Heath and not the Republican incumbent.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Guess Delmar's Mayor id =s unhappy since he was supporting Heath.
    November 7, 2018 at 3:30 PM

    Um... He's a she!

  12. Anonymous said...
    It is quite amusing to see all the local dems posting their disgust on social media, after the democratic candidate for county executive got more votes than Jack Heath. The "blind vote" has always been your strong suit; and now you don't like it? You reap what you sow...
    November 7, 2018 at 3:59 PM

    I don't have any Democrat friends so please post some of those comments. Not sure how to take what you are saying.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Now let's ask John Cannon why he wasted his vote on Jack Heath and not the Republican incumbent.

    November 7, 2018 at 11:22 PM

    While you are at it, don't forget to ask Marc Kilmer why he voted for Jack Heath instead of Bob Culver.

  14. Lib - losing was the best for sane citizens

  15. LOL heath got it rammed up his No Principled smelly arse but good. He may fool the low informations who reside in Salisbury but the good honest decent people of the county see right through him.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Now let's ask John Cannon why he wasted his vote on Jack Heath and not the Republican incumbent.

    November 7, 2018 at 11:22 PM

    You might want to ask RINO Marc Kilmer while you are at it. You may not know this but Marc Kilmer is a Libertarian who ran for County Council as a Republican just like Muir Boda did.

    You people running the Republican Party need to wake the Hell up and vet who you are paying to run on your ticket.

    John Cannon = RINO = Democrat
    Marc Kilmer = RINO = Libetarian
    Muir Boda = RINO = Democratic Libertarian
    Carl Anderton = RINO = Democrat

  17. Jake Heath/Jack Day ran a piss poor campaign. He spewed a lot of hate and he talked pro-spending on the Board of Education to "Fully Fund" her great plan that hasn't ever been proven. More Socialist crap.

    Now stand by, you have Bill McCain and Josh Hastings going to try to remove the revenue cap and not going to vote for the budget because they both want to fully fund the BOE. WTF is "Fully fund?" Can someone please explain that?

    Also, Jack Heath, Bill McCain and Josh Hastings all want to spend millions more on the school system. Do you know why?

    Jack Heath has two daughters teaching for the WCPS.
    Bill McCain has a wife who works for the WCPS.
    Josh Hastings has a sister, brother and campaign treasurer who are all school teachers at the Wicomico County Board of Education. WHAM!! What a way to give them the pay raises they want, even though they are some of the highest paid employees in Wicomico County.

    1. Any money towards the BOE is a waste considering all the excessive spending a few years back. Remember how they embezzles money for teacher perks when the $$ was earmarked for the students? How soon you all forget the BOE literally squandered more money in one year than most working Salisbury residents make in 5. You forgot all about that sham. Why? They were embezzling YOUR MONEY and not spending it on YOUR KIDS for educational pursuits like field trips and special programs that promote education not fat chick teachers hogging down at the local Applesby. You simpletons continue to buy all the schmooze about the teachers when your kids graduate no better off than the day you sent them to school for the first time. Grow up, people. Any candidate yammering on nonsensical BS about the BOE should remember all the days everyone got snow days when there was NO SNOW but a couple flurries. Teachers get paid but your kids don’t get educated unless they’re going to become professional sleigh drivers in their adult life.


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