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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

114 warrants served across Maryland since 'red flag' law went into effect in October

ROCKVILLE, Md. (ABC7) — Montgomery County Sheriff Darren Popkin believes Maryland’s new "red flag law" can save lives.

It gives family members, health professionals and law enforcement the authority to seek a judge’s order to take guns away from someone in crisis before they hurt themselves or others.

"Law enforcement has been running into people having some sort of mental health crisis forever, however, we never had an statutory authority to take the guns away," Popkin said.

From when the law went into effect in October, 114 red flag warrants have been served across Maryland.



  1. Good way to to make peace with the people. Bitter wife makes false claim then cops come in to rob him.

  2. Wow. What are the ground rules? Who decides that you are no longer competent to own a gun? Your family or neighbor or doctor. Isn't there laws in place that require background checks to include mental issues? Isn't at that point competency is decided? I'm sure it will benefit the public however what does it do for gun owners who are not at risk? I read in this blog a warning that "they want to take your guns away so they have the power." They meaning the Government. Well it seems they are here. Scary

  3. Nazis. Maryland sucks. Gonna be some folks shot. Hope mike Lewis keeps his word. No take guns please.

  4. 645 to answer your question any one who calls the cops or narcs on the other guy is the one who determines if the guns get taken... They just make a claim that the person in question might do something and that's it, cops come in and take, just take... No court hearing, no appearing in court, just a signed by judge warrant with no evidence but here say and that's all it takes... Of course its all for safety and of course the kids!!!!! You get no due process here if you are the one being accused... They will come in and take, determine if your a threat later and then be deemed fine and you still won't get your gun back, mark my words on that!!!!! This is all plours to take your guns and gun rights anyway they can... Just because they didn't do it Hitler style doesn't means they are not still doing it... Frog in boiling water trick, and you all fall for it every time...

    You can think of all the reasons you want but the main reason why they want our guns is because that is the only thing left stopping the president or any politician from becoming a dictator or when they try to refuse to leave office... Has nothing to do with saftey, if you think so, why is opioids freely distributed but that's ok because the govt is involved, but someone pretends to shoot a place and its a crisis????

    1. Spot on! The controllers move in baby steps generationally as to not rouse suspicion. Got to have the guns before you can move back to a feudal system

  5. Dave T: What a disgrace to hear law enforcement talking like this. He belongs with the Gestapo, enjoying his job more every day.

  6. Don't mention the 72 year old man that was killed when police shot him when serving one of these "warrants".

  7. You think it's bad now, it's just getting started. Just wait until a police officer inevitably gets shot doing serving one of these "warrants". From that point on, instead of having a couple uniformed officers show up and ask for your guns, now the S.W.A.T. team is going to kick in your door at 3 a.m. with assault rifles for "officer safety".

  8. 6:54 and 8:46 are right. There is no due process and anyone can make a claim. If we have the right to bear arms and the right to due process then this should not be happening. I have read about the guy who was killed in Ferndale and few details are given supposedly because they cannot comment on the personal nature of the incident. The law was passed quietly recently but surely the Liberals are not going to cry over it. Someone needs to report on the criteria used to determine these situations. I am not a Maryland resident any longer (thank God!), but it definitely matters. Perhaps Joe will send a link for new law criteria for the residents of Maryland (hint, hint) since the MSM doesn't seem to want to report on in depth.

  9. Well now you can thank Senator Elect Mary Beth Carozza, Chri Adams and Carl "Cornbread" Anderton.


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