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Saturday, October 06, 2018

Wait.....What? Ben Jealous Says Hes Running for Governor Of Virginia


  1. What is WRONG with the people around him? Can't they SEE that he's NUTS?

  2. how many states can you be Governor of.
    found out he cant win in Maryland. We arnt as stupid as he had hoped

  3. All of these mental cases cheered 🤣

  4. Ben is Jealous of humans with a brain...

  5. Complete Idiot just like the people that vote for him!

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoOctober 6, 2018 at 6:06 PM

    This is what it looks like when Brainwashed Sheeple Cheer! SNH

  7. Ben is the magic man. According to his schedule today he was at -
    9:20 AM I’m in Prince George’s County at the Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers International Apprentice Contest
    10 AM – 12 PM 8505 Fenton St, Silver Spring, MD 20910-4403
    10:30am @ College Park Academy

    Two places at the same time?

  8. Its the OTHER Virginia he's talking about....one of the 57 states obama campaigned in.....
    These people are off the charts stupid.
    Keep cheering!!


  9. What time was he having pizza with Liberal Jim? If you weren't informed, you'd think slippery Mathias was running as a Republican! No mention of his pizza pal in any of his ads or mailers. No wonder jumbo Jealous is looking for another state...perhaps the state of confusion?

  10. what did he just say?


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