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Friday, October 05, 2018

Tom Cotton: Trump is Right, 'Point' of Sanctuary Cities is to 'Release Criminal Aliens'

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) is standing by President Trump’s remarks on sanctuary city policies, which are cities and localities that protect criminal illegal aliens from deportation.

This week, Trump reiterated the Democrats’ support for sanctuary cities and illegal immigration, noting in a speech that “Democrats are ‘going to flood your streets with criminal aliens.'”

New York Times political correspondent Jonathan Martin called the comment “nativist.”
In response, Cotton defended Trump, saying the statement is entirely true, as the purpose of sanctuary cities is to protect criminal illegal aliens from federal immigration enforcement.

“Democrats support sanctuary cities, the whole point of which is to release criminal aliens into the streets,” Cotton said.



  1. They are magnets for them!

  2. need to send 10,000 agents into Baltimore and start checking id's. If cities are going to hide illegals then trump should flood the streets with ics agents and pick them off that way.

  3. Bring in the ICE and arrest the mayors.

    8 US Code sec. 1324 it is a felony to hide or harbor an illegal alien.


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