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Monday, October 01, 2018

This VERY Angry Mob Protests AGAINST Due Process & The Presumption Of Innocence!


  1. That is NOT an angry mob , it is a bunch of PAID agitators.

  2. The dumbocrat way - violate the constitution and human rights - my-way or the cry-way!

  3. No chance in hell that crowd will be assaulted. That's why they are so out of control. I trust the fbi as much as those tools. Both have shown they aren't trustworthy. Look at the pitiful boy wearing a white shirt holding a sign, screaming because his boyfriend cut him loose.

  4. He's trying to talk to people who don't want to listen! Dr. Ford can't remember most of the important facts about this alleged assault and she wants us to believe that Judge Kavanaugh did it! come on

  5. Look how freakin angry these people are. Why? Brett Kavanaugh did not rape these women. Yet you would think he raped all of them by the amount of rage directed at him and this poor man just trying to make the point that he may be innocent. I thought that blond, in the beginning, was going to resort to physical violence. I sure hope none of these ladies have husbands or sons who have to go through such as this. Once we start convicting people based on public opinion it is a downhill slide. No one wanted to answer the question about "no evidence." Only the blonde who claimed he was in a blackout.

  6. You can see the non-evidence being thrown around as if it's all proven, when it isn't. I suspect that some of these women have had personal experiences that make them think these things, but don't have the gumption to have their own cases adjudicated.

  7. Before all these people jump on Kavanaugh, Ford and anyone else MUST have evidence ! You can’t just accuse someone without proof. This is America, there must be a burden of proof to find someone guilty!

  8. This explains why all these angry hateful liberals are really just this way because just look at them all
    No man really ever wanted any of them in the first place so that explains why their all this way
    Can't blame the men
    Go figure


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