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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Steve Scalise mocks Clinton: 'Seriously, Hillary?'

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise on Tuesday mocked Hillary Clinton for claiming that Republicans are unable to be civil, and that civility cannot return to Congress until they are defeated.

"You cannot be civil with a policy party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about," Clinton said on CNN. "That's why I believe if we fortunate enough to win back the House and, or the Senate, that's when civility can start again."

"But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength," she added.

In response, Scalise tweeted, "Seriously, Hillary?"

Many Republicans have argued that it's the Democrats who have encouraged uncivil and even violent protests against President Trump's Supreme Court pick, Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Scalise has been calling for a more civil political discussion between the two parties ever since he was shot at a practice for a charity baseball game in 2017, an event that nearly took his life.



  1. What she means is that the Dums will become civil when they are in charge and have no opposition. The laughter in my head is deafening! To have the gall to say something like this is something, to say the least. Maybe she should be nominated by DJT for the Supreme Court so that we can investigate her background again. I'm up for it!!!

  2. I had the misfortune of standing next to one of Hillary's victims in 2012.He was gunned down like an animal while standing next to a museum in NYC.Blood splattered all over me and 2 people standing next to me.

  3. This fat failed candidate that President Donald J. Trump ran home, needs to be bitch slapped in the public circle by random citizens until her appearance changes to the point we can stand to look at it.

  4. 12:42
    Please tell us how you really feel!

  5. Years ago it was always known in campaign circles that you do NOT mention the opponents name any more than you had to because people keep hearing the name and check it when they see it when they go to vote. I really see Clinton and Hillary here multiple times a day. Hummmmmm???


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