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Monday, October 01, 2018

Sen. Cassidy: Feinstein Should Be Asked Under Oath if She Leaked Ford Letter

On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s Fox & Friends, Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) stated Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) should be questioned under oath about whether she leaked Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s letter.

Cassidy said the FBI “should investigate whether indeed there is this intent to coordinate and, in fact, the actual coordination.”



  1. feinstein will lie and say no. She lies constantly just like every single other democrat alive.

  2. But the RINO Republicans are p....s they won't do that.

  3. She'll say, "Talk to my attorneys." (Paid for, of course, by Soros.)

  4. She is a professional liar, she has been doing it her whole life, there no point. Now to get at the truth, waterboard the bitch or run a drill into her kneecap!

  5. She referred to her staff during the Senate hearing. In ten seconds DiFi reported that her staff did not leak Fords allegations. Yet, a full FBI investigation of Kavanaugh is appropriate?
    Wasn’t a there a recent discovery of a Chinese spy of 15 years found in her office?

  6. Now she said it was the Russians that did it.


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