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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Salisbury GOTV Rally with Governor Larry Hogan

Thursday at 6:30 PM – 8 PM
3 days from now · 37–55°F Sunny
219 S Fruitland Blvd
219 South Fruitland Boulevard, Fruitland, Maryland 21826
Show Map
Tickets by Eventbrite


  1. You know what? If there was another candidate with integrity, and not so wishy washy on issues, Hogan would not get my vote. He's a sell out. My opinion.

  2. I won't be going. Hope it fails!
    Rino Democrat!
    No friend to the eastern shore!

  3. If the good governor backed our president there would be no need for a rally. He would automatically be a winner. Trump could ride a Harley over to Annapolis and do a rally during lunch break.

    Hogan Strong!

    1. Read your comment twice. Say what?

  4. Not sure who the moron is that doesn't know how to put a proper event together, but it is at the Black Diamond Lodge - incase you were wondering and the event is also listed as free.

  5. Him and his wife are TRUMP HATERS so screw you Larry.

  6. Hogan is a healer not a hater.

  7. Hogan is no friend to state employee retirees, no supporting reinstatement of promised prescription coverage but only unhappy of the timing.

    1. No state retirees prescription coverage. What's that all about?


  8. C'mon people. We mostly agree we wish the governor was less of a centrist. Remember it's strongly Blue Maryland.

    But, OTOH, he was able to get elected as the second Republican since I moved here in 1985. That's a feat. His chances for a second term are good. I believe the President understands the scenario, and is supportive.

    Anyone who has reservations about Governor Hogan should look themselves in the mirror and ask how Anthony Brown would have governed, and how Ben Jealous will rule? Is that what you wish to do to yourself and your offspring?

    Take the long view and vote to re-elect.

  9. I'm very disappointed with hogan but still going to vote for him
    Lesser of 2 evils and all dems are lunatics
    Everyone needs to just vote all straight R's
    Got to send a message


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