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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Of Course The Liberal Mob Is Real

There are few things that get liberals riled up like exposing them for exactly who and what they are. They hate it, almost as much as they hate people who don’t fall in lockstep with their every demand. So when President Trump started talking about the “mob” liberals have become, “journalists” leapt to their defense, naturally. But there is no defense from the truth; no matter how earnestly a CNN or MSNBC personality insists the Sun rises in the west, that doesn’t make it so. The Democratic Party is the party of the mob.

It wasn’t that long ago that the fringe of the political left was just that – a fringe. They’d used mommy and daddy’s credit card or their trust fund money to congregate at a G7 summit or meeting of the International Monetary Fund, then go back to whatever college town they refused to grow up in. Now there is no afghan of the party left, it’s all fringe.

What used to be ignored as it smashed the windows of a Starbucks and set trashcans on fire in the streets every couple of years is now what the Democrats are counting on to deliver them a majority in the House of Representatives.

So where did this mob come from?

The simple answer is they’ve always been there, only they’re emboldened now.

The spirit of the mob in inherent in the left, what they want requires something from others – either their money or obedience, and often times both. But the realities of life tended to keep this instinct in check outside the ballot box. Then millennials entered the scene.


1 comment:

  1. Dont blame millennials for all of this. Who raised them? Parents are their children's first teachers.


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