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Friday, October 05, 2018

Obama's America on Display at Kavanaugh Hearings

President Trump has been in an uphill battle to reverse Obama's efforts to "fundamentally transform" America. Trump's successes in the past 20 months in erasing the damage of the Obama's eight years are well documented. But he has a long way to go based on what we saw in the Kavanaugh hearings.

Trump's biggest challenge is to push back Obama's primary legacy of identity politics, which is destroying the fabric of our nation. Neighbors, family members and old friends have been split apart, by design. Obama polarized America according to race, ethnic background, sex, sexual orientation, and politics.

Like a deadly cancer, the Obama legacy has metastasized into widespread hatred among Americans that was on display at the Kavanaugh hearings. Obama's primary legacy is dangerously malignant and more toxic than ever, fueled by cynical and destructive politicians, the Alinsky Rules for Radicals, and billions of dollars from the evil George Soros.

Statements from the hearings and the left-wing mobs and commentators attempting to disrupt the proceedings tell the story. "Call your senators and tell them to vote no for Kavanaugh – the future of our country deserves more than a privileged white boy." Were you able to catch the code words? "Privileged." "White boy."

Hawaii Democrat Mazie Hirono made headlines when she told all men to "shut up and step up and do the right thing for a change." In other words, men rarely do the right thing. Men, did you get it?



  1. The fundament of the United States is contained in the Constitution. Obama's aim was (and is) to skirt the document's guidelines and upend it to render it worthless, except the parts that support his NWO agenda.

  2. Obama's "fundamentally transform" America in one word is "Anarchist"

  3. Trump will need to declare marshal law to control the angy leftist puppets being paid by Soros and encouraged by the likes of Maxine Waters.

  4. Now Hillary wants to do away with the electrol vote.

  5. Nice opinion piece. Nailed it.


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