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Monday, October 01, 2018

Kavanaugh accuser was accused of engaging in 'unwelcome, sexually offensive conduct' by former job

Julie Swetnick, the third woman to accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, faced her own allegations more than a decade ago while employed at a Portland tech company.

Court documents show that in late 2000, the Portland-based company Webtrends filed a civil lawsuit against Swetnick alleging that she 'engaged in unwelcome, sexually offensive conduct' during a business lunch with two male employees and Webtrends customers.

The suit, obtained by Oregon Live, states that she engaged in 'unwelcome sexual innuendo' and 'inappropriate conduct'.

Swetnick, 55, was also accused of making 'false and retaliatory allegations that other co-workers had engaged in inappropriate conduct towards her'. According to the document, she alleged that two other employees at Webtrends had sexually harassed her.

In addition to the misconduct claims, the company accused Swetnick of lying about where she attended school and said she 'falsely described her work experience'.



  1. Say it isn't so .Must be a Democrat

  2. So let me see if I have this right.

    If someone is what you would call promiscuous, or sexually adventurous, they deserve to be sexually raped or assaulted.

    Let me make it CRYSTAL CLEAR. She could have had 10 different consenting adult partners, half men half women, sometimes at the same time every day for her adult life, and it would STILL have ZERO relevance to weather or not she was raped or assaulted.

    It would not excuse the assault. It would not forgive or make o.k. the assault, and the rape/assault would STILL be as egregious as if she had become a Nun after the fact.

    Just what in the world is wrong with all of you?

    Seriously, I want an answer.


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