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Saturday, October 06, 2018

Joe Biden: Trump Supporters Have 'Cultish Devotion'

Former Vice President Joe Biden told Democrats at Cal State Fullerton on Thursday that supporters of President Donald Trump have a “cultish devotion” to their leader, choosing “party over country” in supporting Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

The Los Angeles Times reported:

“The truth itself is being thrown aside in favor of a cultish devotion to the whims of one man,” Biden told hundreds of campaign volunteers Thursday at a Cal State Fullerton rally, citing the confirmation hearings of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

“Look at the behavior of Republican senators during the recent testimony of Judge Kavanaugh. Look at the behavior of this president every day,” he said. “Lies have never been more brazen. Blind rage and brute partisanship has never been more palpable.

Biden, who is still considered a dark horse candidate for president in 2020 despite repeated denials, visited California this week to fundraise for Democrats and to campaign for the party’s congressional candidates. The Associated Press reportedthat candidates from five competitive districts attended the rally. Biden also reportedly told attendees that the upcoming midterm elections were “much bigger than politics … Our humanity is being tested.”



  1. He's just jealous he has no cult, used to respect him lost all respect for him during 2016 election.

  2. Talk about a cult. How about all those Obama supporters and their ugly, vile, non-corroborated, unsubstantiated claims against a superbly qualified Supreme Court candidate the last two weeks? The democrat senators were/are like rabid animals: illogical and without reason, blindly attacking anything presented to then. If anyone doubted the dem motives before the spectacle they displayed in the judicial confirmation process, and the lengths they will go (personal defamation in the most public of settings) to compel our country to accept their far-left extremist policies, doubt no more. Our country is under attack from the inside. Khrushchev had it right. He said the soviets would defeat us without firing a shot. Democrats have become unabashed socialists, which is one small step from communism. They want nothing more than the overthrow of our constitution (Why they HATE conservative judges that enforce the constitution). They actively fight free speech (1st amend.), gun rights (2nd amend.), and due process (4th amend.). It now looks like they are promoting violence to achieve their desired ends. Democracy is at stake! Vote!!!!!!

  3. Yes, but unlike the dumbocraps, they also have intelligence!!

  4. This man is delusional and a prime candidate for Swamp Creature removal.

  5. He's a creepy old pervert that needs to go away.

  6. If the citizens of the US could be permitted to punch Joe Biden one time squarely in his nose, the waiting line would stretch for miles.

  7. Democratic supporters fall into the following categories: slavish, non-thinkers; p0aid operatives; and political enemies of the republic. Biden? The elderly misogynist needs to go to a nursing home where he can sexually assault the staff.

  8. Look at his background. He was a loser from jump street. Then he got into politics and the he fit in with the criminal mafia called Democrats.

  9. Ask him about all the money his late son brought in for him with no accountability. Hillary taught him that trick. Pay to play.

  10. Creepy Joe on his Delaware "compound" makes me believe he may be very familiar with cults! One son taking the deceased sons wife while the ex-wife remains on the compound as well....this is now your mommy who was your aunt until your uncle died....Grand pop Joe wants you to give him a hug and a kiss! Biden needs to shut the hell up, no one any creepier than Joe!


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