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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Hillary Clinton Considering 2020 Rematch Against President Trump: 'I'd Like to Be President'!

Twice-defeated Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton still wants to be president–enough that she will decide after the mid-term elections whether to mount a rematch against President Donald Trump who defeated her in 2016. Clinton was beaten by Barack Obama for the 2008 Democrat nomination in her first bid for the presidency.

Clinton was interviewed by Kara Swisher of Recode at the 92nd Street Y in New York City Friday. Swisher was able to get past an initial “no” from Clinton about 2020, prompting Clinton to concede she still wants to president followed by Clinton listing her experience as a senator and secretary of State as to why she believes she is qualified to undo what Trump has done as President.

The interview covered a wide range of subjects including Clinton attacking Facebook over her 2016 loss, as noted by Recode’s report.



  1. She might LIKE to be President but she NEVER will! Vote Republican!

  2. Please Do by all means ....Run & Loose Again !!!! LOL

  3. The old bag has no business being President. She needs to ride off into the sunset and keep on going til she's reached the point of no return, ever.

  4. Please....my sides can't take it anymore. You're killing me. Stop it, I've had all the fun one is allowed to have. Thank you

  5. You're killing me Smalls

  6. She failed as senator and secretary of state. She also is still responsible for the 4 murders in Bengazi and her e-mails sent to our enemies also the Uranium deal to our enemies. She is just down right DEPLORABLE.

  7. This ole failure needs a Wellness checkup, starting with the mental mass area where a brain normally rest in the structure area above it's shoulders.

  8. She looks really bad. Is she drinking before her interviews. Why else would she look "shit face". If not she is on something bad.


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