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Friday, October 05, 2018

Here's what we're doing

Dear Supporter,

With little more than a month until the general election, the battle for election integrity is raging from coast to coast - and as the Wall Street Journal rightly reported, the
Senate Fight Unfolds on Deep Red Terrain. True the Vote went out on a bit of a limb when we forecasted our target states, but polls are now showing that all ten of our targets have races with extremely narrow margins; so we are focused in the right places. Here’s what’s on our radar:

Make no mistake, integrity is critical in all elections, in every state. We’ve chosen to highlight these races because they are soooo close, which makes it all the more important for well-trained volunteers to help uphold the rule of law at every step of the electoral process. With that in mind, here’s what True the Vote is doing, online and on the ground:

We’ve launched online trainings
Our online video training platform has launched, with people now signing up 24x7. If you are interested in learning what it means to be a poll watcher, 
please check out the online training for election workers. It’s important to note that this training isn’t intended to replace any local training that poll workers may be required to attend. Instead, it's to cover the basics of what you can expect when working at the polls. We’ve also posted trainings for election integrity teambuilding, mail-in ballot reviews, and more. All the trainings and materials are free, so please check them out!

We’re working with Judicial Watch supporters
Judicial Watch sent True the Vote info to their entire membership, resulting in an outpouring of interested volunteers looking for ways to work in the polls. We’re thrilled, of course, because we think 
Judicial Watch is amazing. 

We’re spreading the word
We are letting all state parties know that True the Vote is available to provide election integrity training and support. If you are interested in working in the polls, you’ll likely need to connect with your preferred political party, so they can add you to their election plans. 
You can find a full list of state political organizations here, along with all kinds of state-specific election information. We are also working with pro-liberty organizations across key states, with speaking engagements and trainings scheduled from now until the election. If you are affiliated with an organization that would like to connect with us, please let us hear from you! There are also many great state organizations who might not be among our ten state focus, but who are doing great work and deserve your support - like Election Integrity Project California.

Of course, all our work is made possible only through the stalwart support of people like you. If you believe True the Vote’s work is important, then 
please contribute to the cause
 if you can. 

We’re all in this together - and, working together, we really can True the Vote.


Catherine Engelbrecht
Founder, True the Vote

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