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Monday, October 29, 2018

Fifth-Graders Asked About Experience With Sex, Their ‘Preferred Gender,’ and the Gender of Their Sex Partners

Some fifth-graders and sixth-graders in the town of Windsor, Vermont were given a survey asking whether they have engaged in sexual relations, what gender they identify with, and what gender their sexual partners identify with.

The survey was given to students by a nonprofit organization called WISE, of Lebanon, New Hampshire, which got the survey from the Preventions and Innovations Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, according to The Union Leader.

Vermont state law requires public schools to have a curriculum that promotes child sexual safety. The nonprofit organization that distributed the survey assists the school district with that curriculum and also tries to prevent gender-based violence, the superintendent of schools said. The survey was supposed to study how well the organization is doing, he said.



  1. Sick sick liberal agenda!

  2. This is some serious,sick,b.s.What is wrong with these people? Someone needs to be in jail for child abuse. You can get in trouble these days for not meeting your kid at the bus but these depraved socialists in Vermont think this survey is appropriate.

  3. When I was in the fifth grade that thing between my legs was for pissing only and nothing else considered. Why don't "they" leave children alone and let them be kids and enjoy playing. They will grow up fast to start with without pushing them into adulthood. Society has gone nuts.

  4. Arrest the school council.

  5. Sounds like the sick liberals are phishing. For little boys and girls.

  6. The BS that the schools are pushing on children these days is a disgrace. The liberals have taken things entirely too far. If I was a parent in any state that is shoving that liberal crap down my child's throat, I would take them out of school. I would rather they were illiterate than be poisoned by the democratic liberal agendas. It's just not right what we are doing to our kids and the "pushers" are getting by with it. Stand up parents and fight this BS!!!

  7. Trying to brainnwash kids into Transgender.

  8. Uncle Joe can show them his little friend that lives in his pants. He can even touch them in all the wrong places.


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