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Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Damage estimate for Florence puts hurricane as one of the costliest to hit US

Hurricane Florence is expected to go down as the sixth costliest hurricane to hit in U.S. history in terms of property damage.

More than a month has passed since Florence made landfall on the coast of the Carolinas on Sept. 14, resulting in widespread destruction.

Researchers from Moody's Analytics believe a swath of land stretching from Virginia down to Georgia will see $44 billion in damage due mostly to the heavy rainfall — up to 36 inches in some spots — and resulting flooding.



  1. Right on Florence's tail, Hurricane Michael is on the way to the southeastern states. Some have already declared a state of emergency.

  2. The global warming, oh no wait, climate change folks keep talking about the increasing costs of these storms. What they fail to realize is the more development there is the more is in place for the storm to damage. A tornado 50 years ago could have just blown through an empty field that today contains a housing development.

  3. $44,000,000,000.00?! There isn’t anything worth that much in the South.

  4. 127 with another clown comment. This is the exact point that many scientists and policy makers have been stating regarding climate change. Dummies like you are simply so hell bent on your personal ideologies you can't seem to see the facts straight.


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