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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Daily Beast: "Dear God, Hillary Clinton. Please, Just Go."

As fresh rumors swirl around a potential Hillary Clinton 2020 campaign, Democrats have a clear message for the twice-failed presidential candidate; you're not helping, please go away, right now.

In an Op-Ed that can best be described as savage, the Daily Beast's Liz Mair makes the case that the "zombie" Clintons have risen from their political graves to reinsert themselves into the national dialogue at exactly the wrong time, as they sashay across the country on a 13-city speaking tour ahead of the most crucial midterm elections in recent history.

The Clintons, it seems, can’t seem to call it quits, even if it means leaving members of their own party cringing and many more voters ready to “headdesk” themselves into a coma.

This time, it’s happening courtesy of a pay-through-the-nose-to-see-them rehab tour. Because if there’s one thing America hasn’t had enough of over recent decades, it’s efforts by the Clintons to recast themselves as normal, likeable people, as they cash checks and play the victim.

It gets better...

Mair reduces Hillary's tenure as Secretary of State, two Senate runs and two presidential runs as "either an attempt to show independence from her husband or to be compensated for his myriad screw ups."She then bemoans the fact that Hillary's latest screw up resulted in "Donald Freaking Trump, the most flawed candidate Republicans could conceivably have run in 2016."

Delusional Hillary

"Hillary remains caught up in the delusion that the only reason she lost in 2016 was because of Russian interference," writes Mair, adding "She does not seem to have fully processed the fact that she lost the electoral college, the only vote that counts. She touts the fact that she got nearly three million more votes than Trump while conveniently leaving out that her tally of the vote still fell well below 50 percent."



  1. Yes please GO AWAY forever

  2. No stay right where you are

  3. She has become the brunt of many,some off color,jokes. Any normal person would be embarrassed to death. The Clintons have no shame only greed.

  4. Blaming Russia is stupid on its face. Russia helped make the Clintons rich, and more riches were waiting on her presidency and its bigger bag of gifts and goodies.

  5. Is she doing her best Monica Lewinski impression there??

  6. Creepy Uncle Joe must have sneaked up behind her?????

  7. She has some sort of mental issue. She refuses to believe that not everyone cares for her. She firmly believes she is in a special and unique class of citizens who is to be worshipped and admired.

  8. Delusional she'll never accept that she's a failure, and never accept her roll in the death of 4 soldiers in Bengazi. She believes she is faultless she will go down in history as the WORST AMERICAN EVER. They both need to go live in a senior center at least maybe most of the residents won't hear her endless chatter.

    1. Agreed, the old prune just needs to dry up and blow away!


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