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Friday, October 05, 2018

Breaking News: A white Chicago police officer who shot a black teenager 16 times was convicted of second-degree murder.

Jason Van Dyke became the first Chicago police officer convicted of murder for an on-duty shooting in nearly 50 years.

Jurors also convicted Officer Van Dyke on 16 counts of aggravated battery with a firearm.
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  1. Good - we cant have a double standard - wrong is wrong

  2. And they will still riot, loot and burn.

  3. This is wrong in so many ways. The thug was a doper, no good, no loss.

    1. Lol me thinks someone doesnt quite understand how the justice system is supposed to work.

    2. Right, like video footage which clearly shows law abiding officers feeling no need to shoot while 1 chose to do so 16xs.

  4. And he should be convicted,
    as said, Wrong is wrong , no matter
    race, creed or color.

  5. 16 times,that all? Hell everybody knows you have to shoot a thug at least 16 times or more. Of course if you shoot more than 16 times they make you pay for your own ammunition.

  6. Fear....the cop was fearful because he was African American.....the young male carried a knife because he was fearful. As long as we are fearful of each other this will go on and on. I see no end in sight. BTW. It was the proper sentencing.

  7. Why is it that they think they have to bring up the color of the cop and the victim? I thought color didn't matter about anything. But the media keeps doing it. Color has NOTHING to do with this.

  8. Tragic outcome. If the deceased showed any respect for the police this would not have happened


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