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Saturday, October 27, 2018

Arnold Ahlert: Disintegrating Families, Disintegrating Culture

The root of our cultural rot can be traced back to one place: the shift away from nuclear families.

In recent columns, this writer has sought to address the root causes of the nation’s increasing polarization. One of the foremost of those is an education system that turns out generations of weak-thinking Americans whose command of the nation’s founding documents, civic structures, and historical foundations is virtually nonexistent — even as those same Americans are well-schooled in the nation’s shortcomings. If this effort is allowed to continue, our status as a constitutional republic and what is often referred to as the world’s “last best hope for mankind” is seriously threatened. Nationally televised congressional hearings would be a great way to begin shedding light on a contemptible dynamic that can no longer be blamed on incompetence.

It is nothing less than a concerted and coordinated effort to “fundamentally transform” the nation, and it must be exposed.

Yet there can be no mistaking the reality that the devolution of our education system has root causes as well. The failure factories otherwise known as public schools created — and nurtured — by the Democrat Education Complex are far easier to maintain in a disintegrating culture. There is a level of legitimacy in the all-too-familiar teachers’ lament that some children are “unteachable,” and that assertion is almost invariably accompanied by the reason for it: Most of these children live in circumstances that could be charitably described as “chaotic” at best — and wholly removed from anything resembling civilized norms at worst.



  1. When will you guys get it? What the hell is wrong with you ? You can make any excuse you want but religion is the savior of this nation . Without it we are doomed . We are almost there people.

  2. Well 2:45 how about the demonic religion of Islam is that our savior also?

  3. Communism infiltrated our Government and Government Schools many years ago...Our mush minded students have been indoctrinated into this system for many years. NO EDUCATION only indoctrination. We now have generations of Teachers and students who are stupid, dumbed down, clueless, can't find their way out of a wet paper bag, snowflakes, no common sense and no critical thinking skills, no knowledge of American or World History and don't give a dam_. So here we are on the precipice and we're Praying for God to bring our nation back Spiritually so we can learn Truth...

  4. Entropy.

    Better be ready.


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