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Sunday, October 07, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Verizon Wireless

I am hoping you can bring this to the public, and if nothing else maybe I can get the results that I deserve.

In April, we realized that Verizon had been billing us for two phones that had been upgraded and returned, one in 2016 and one the end of 2017. 

We finally got that cleared up and received a 297.00 credit. At that point we went to the Verizon store and paid the two Iphones we had off at 100 buyout. 

It is now October and Verizon is still billing us for the two phones from 2016 and 2017. 

I have sent email after email, I have had 2, 2 hour chat sessions proving that we do not owe anything for these phones. We are always promised it will be taken care of and we wont receive another bill.

Well guess what, opened my email this morning and there is yet another bill for the same two phones. 

On top of that the financial office is calling on a regular basis. When I have called them, I have been on the phone for over 20 mins and passed back and forth between two departments because one hand doesn't know what the other is doing. I'm wondering if I have a harassment case against them. I have all documents needed if you would like to see them.


  1. Thank you for posting Joe!

  2. Verizon makes so much money, it does not care about it's customers. Did you know that the government also pays them to spy on us?

  3. Contact Tami Erwin, Executive Vice President - Wireless Operations. There's an email address and contact form online. Google it up.

    1. Why don’t you post it instead of telling us to google it.

  4. fcc? ftc? state consumer affairs div? small claims court?
    lots of ways to address this. stop wasting your time arguing with idiots. bring out the big guns!
    verizon att comcast msm fb google amazon dems are all predators who don't give a rats ass about your rights!

  5. Verizon must be following the daily times. They will forever send you bills after you cancel!

  6. always pay for your phone up front, never pay a monthly charge for it

  7. Anyone who deals with Verizon directly is a fool.

    Entire list of companies that are 1/5th the price and way better customer service:

  8. Switch to straight talk and save money

  9. Has anyone but me spoken with a Verizon rep who has really bad English or speaks with a strong accent of some sort?

  10. On 2 different occasions Verizon charged me about $600 each for phones that I returned and I too had been on the phone for bout with those idiots. They basically told me it was up to me to prove that I fedexed them back. I didn’t keep the receipts and I ended up being in the hospital for several months and unable to do anything about it. I could use that $1200 right now. The irony is I was returning their defective phones back to them.

  11. Maryland public service commission complaint would be the best approach.

  12. Get a lawyer and have them send VZW a letter, that should stop it... If not, start a class action suit... This is not the first person to have this happen, and won't be the last... It will take you suing them to make change... Unfortunate this is what everything has to come to...

  13. Drop 'em n tell 'em why.

  14. Verizon customer service sucks.

  15. Their internet service sucks also. Call them and get the same thing you did."Everything is taken care of and you will have no more problems." Told to me with a heavy India accent. Next day, same problem. Weeks of this and two technicians sent to my house, and I still have problems with their internet.


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