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Sunday, October 07, 2018

A Viewer Writes: Jack Heath increasing the City of Salisbury's annual budget

Joe FYI. Look at Jack Heath proudly increasing the City of Salisbury's annual budget. This is what we have to look forward to if he gets elected to the County Executive's position. Not only that he is going to negotiate a much larger Fire Service Agreement.

I guess Jack Heath has forgotten his "Volunteer Fire Department" service. A true volunteer would try to recruit and retain volunteers instead of spending Other Peoples Money(OPM).

Contact: Mayor’s Office

City Council Votes to Accept SAFER Grant Money

Salisbury – Mayor Jake Day is pleased to announce that the City Council has voted unanimously in favor of accepting the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant in the amount of $1,527,738. The grant comes from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) / Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and is earmarked for the hiring of additional firefighters to the Salisbury Fire Department.

The grant, awarded over a period of three years, will pay for 75 percent of the salary and benefits for each of the additional firefighters for the first two years of the grant. The third year of the grant funds 35 percent of salary and benefits.

“On behalf of the Department, I am extremely grateful for the continued support that the City Administration and City Council has shown by accepting this grant,” said Salisbury Fire Chief John Tull. “This tremendous opportunity will greatly enhance the Department’s operational capabilities. By adding twelve (12) new firefighter positions, the Department will be able to provide effective and efficient services, enhance firefighter safety and increase our emergency response capabilities.”

Council President Jack Heath said, “Having a staffed piece of fire apparatus at every station means that our response times will see marked improvement. The SAFER grant is going to have a very positive impact on the safety of our citizens.”

“With a fast-growing city, you’re constantly having to factor for more traffic, more people, more fire and emergency calls,” said Mayor Day. “Every year we see a higher demand for service than the year before. SAFER will allow us to not only continue to meet our high standards for response, but it will help us provide the manpower to meet the needs of an ever-growing city.

“In an atmosphere that, at times, has seen politicians willing to shortchange public safety for political gain, it’s refreshing to see Senators Van Hollen and Cardin set the example of leaders placing citizens’ needs first. I thank them for their stalwart leadership and for their assistance in securing this grant. “


  1. See a city bankruptcy on the horizon with those policies.

  2. They have done this before and from what I understand axed most of them by the end of the grant.

  3. Where are our volunteers? I know that SFD ran them out of Station 1.
    Are there any left at Stations 2 and 16? Also, the SFD does not seem to be interested in recruiting volunteers that will step up to the plate, not step up to Subway.

  4. The first thing this POS will do is raise the property taxes IE tax cap.

  5. 10:56 the last group of volunteers....Stalag 13 dummies....couldn't break away from the video games much less find a Subway on their own!!!!

    1. Wow! You mean the ones that actually put a piece on the street? Like where was, is, and are the station 16 volunteers? 25 min for a tanker to go to a standby? 27 min to get some kind of fire fighting crew out of 16 to a house fire? Oh and the non existence of station 2 volunteers after their 36 hours? That’s what you say that you all improved to? Station 1 was getting out and not by the help of the duty crew shutting down response times you know it is true yet will deny everything just to try and save face. For what? Is it really that bad to have an extra station so close to the city and county territories with less response times as the ones you are currently calling in on every fire call? That’s right salisbury wouldn’t have control over them, so putting lives at risk over money yet again! Trust me two more years all paid and union run. They want bigger pay checks and union wants recognition in the city to get that money flowing to them.

  6. And year 4?
    Short sighted for certain!

  7. More proof they lost money on the Folk Festival, and are not trying to recoup this as well as other bad decisions at the expense of the tax payers of both the county and city.

  8. Wow, I am just speechless! They haven't even paid for the National Folk Festival yet and they are spending over a million dollars for 12 paid firemen?

    Just goes to show you how valuable volunteer firefighters are.

    Just goes to show you that Jack Heath was never a "firefighter." I heard he was scared to death of fire and never masked up to go inside a fire. That is a fact, ask anyone from Fruitland. FINO. Fireman In Name Only.

  9. Well I guess Jake Day is going to sneak another increase on our water bills to pay for this catastrophe.

  10. You can kiss the volunteer fire service in Salisbury good bye, thanks to Jake Day and Jack Heath.

  11. If Jack Heath rubberstamps everything for Jake Day now as the city council president, what do you think he will do as the county executive?

    You might as well call it the County of Salisbury.

  12. Jack Heath is going to have to renegotiate the Fire Service Agreement to get the county to pay for these 12 firemen.

    The county should say HELL NO! If you want 12 firemen we can give you 12 volunteers.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The first thing this POS will do is raise the property taxes IE tax cap.

    October 2, 2018 at 11:37 AM

    Jack Heath has already stated in forums that he wants to remove the "Revenue Cap." There is a difference, but I get your point.

    Jack Heath has publically spoken at county council meetings that he wants to fully fund the Wicomico County Board of Education. The interesting thing is the Board of Education is already "Fully Funded." Once you meet the Maintenance of Effort you have already fully funded the Board of Education. That is all that is required.

    Here is the kicker though. What Jack Heath, Bill McCain, Josh Hastings, Michele Gregory and several of the other Socialists mean by fully funding is that they want to give Donna Hanlin whatever she asks for whether they need it or not. Donna Hanlin and the Board of Educations budget was submitted as $11 Million dollars over Maintenance of Effort. Guess what? Donna Hanlin didn't get her addition $11 Million dollars over Maintenance of effort and the schools are running just fine.

    So the point is if Jack Heath and the Socialists fully fund whatever Donna Hanlin asks for they will have to do away with the Revenue Cap and raise taxes.

    Is that what you want?? I don't so vote all Republicans to save your tax dollars. Vote NO to the Democrats and Independent Jack Heath.

  14. Anonymous said...
    10:56 the last group of volunteers....Stalag 13 dummies....couldn't break away from the video games much less find a Subway on their own!!!!

    October 2, 2018 at 11:45 AM

    You Douche Bags are proud of the fact that you ran off the Station 1 volunteers. You should be proud of yourselves. +

  15. Anonymous said...
    And year 4?
    Short sighted for certain!

    October 2, 2018 at 12:12 PM

    RAISE THE TAXES!! Typical Tax and Spend Democrats. It's not their money so they don't care.

    Vote Republican straight down the ticket or you won't be able to afford to live in Wicomico County. Even if you rent your home or apartment you rent will go up and more than likely double just to pay for the sharp tax increase needed to pay for these paid firemen.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    More proof they lost money on the Folk Festival, and are not trying to recoup this as well as other bad decisions at the expense of the tax payers of both the county and city.

    October 2, 2018 at 1:47 PM

    I agree!

    Speaking of the Folk Festival, has Jack Heath and Jake Day fired that dismal Caroline O'Hare for creating such a costly disaster?

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You can kiss the volunteer fire service in Salisbury good bye, thanks to Jake Day and Jack Heath.

    October 2, 2018 at 5:13 PM

    Wait till Jack Heath gets elected to the County Council as the County Executive. He is already talking about cutting the budgets to the volunteer fire departments because he has to reimburse the city because over half of Salisbury's fire district is in the county and they need that money to pay for the paid firemen who are running those calls.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Jack Heath is going to have to renegotiate the Fire Service Agreement to get the county to pay for these 12 firemen.

    The county should say HELL NO! If you want 12 firemen we can give you 12 volunteers.

    October 2, 2018 at 5:15 PM

    I agree with you. Screw Jack Heath. No more tax increases.

  19. Jack has said that he did not want to find Delmar anymore because they are physically located in Delaware . What he didn’t know was Delmar takes care of the northern part of county, so what did he do, he then sent a letter around claiming he never said that. What an idiot.

  20. Jes doing it ALL by himself?? RIGHT!!

  21. Jack has said that he did not want to find Delmar anymore because they are physically located in Delaware . What he didn’t know was Delmar takes care of the northern part of county, so what did he do, he then sent a letter around claiming he never said that. What an idiot.

  22. Does ANYONE have any idea how much was LOST in the last debacle, 'the Folk Festival'? Seems this 'Ship of Fools' is going down each day...

  23. Maybe when the fire service agreement expires next time the County needs to take the County territory and give it to the County volunteers.

  24. Jack stated last night he plans to cut the sheriff's department as well and give no more funding to the WCBOE


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