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Friday, September 28, 2018

What Was In The Envelope That Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Slipped To Kavanaugh Accuser's Lawyer?

A curious thing happened on Christine Blasey Ford's way out of Congressional testimony today - when Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) handed Ford's lawyer, Michael Bromwich, a thick envelope after shaking hands.

Ford's attorneys told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday that they are representing her on a pro bono basis.

During questions from staff lawyer Rachel Mitchell as to who was paying her legal bills, Bromwich interjected "Both her counsel are doing this pro bono." Furthermore, Ford was unable to explain who paid for - or will pay for - her polygraph.

Update: According to Lee's office, "Simply, what was passed were unopened stationery notes to counsel for Dr. Ford from women who wanted to enter the hearing room but were not allowed to enter the hearing room."



  1. Then why did she have TWO envelopes? Why not give BOTH to Lee?

  2. doesn't jackson lee look like a little troll that is up to no good?

  3. And a coupon for a free sundae at Dairy Queen.

  4. Tickets to a CIRCUS

  5. Why be sneaky about it?


  6. One cash filled envelope may have been from 'pro' and the other from 'bono'.

  7. It was cash, of course. Some of that "Pro Bono" cash.

    Why, what did you think?

  8. It looked very sneaky to me.


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