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Sunday, September 09, 2018

West Ocean City Anglers Love President Trump

No matter where you look, love him or hate him, President Donald Trump is by far the most popular President we've ever seen. Last night I ran into dozens of people and let me tell you, ALL of them support President Trump and I do mean ALL of them. MAGA


  1. Sunday morning, boats at Anglers in Ocean City were flying the banner.

  2. reagan was way more popular

    1. That was a different time. Today I am not sure Reagean would be that great. Don't get me wrong I have great respect for Reagean and he was the best. But today's challenges are different, flooding of illegal immigrants, FBI and CIA top management gangsters, drug, Democrats. Just a different era. President Trump is the best President today and always. Hear Obama is campaigning again. Don't fall for his lies remember the 8 years in was in office and I for one feels he think he is still in office. Notice I said campaigning not endorsing. MAGA

  3. Shocking that the people u prowl around with all love Trump. Shocking.

    1. Better than what you crawl around with I’m sure!!

    2. 4:50-It's called fishing. Prowling is what you like to do on the weekends on message boards. Your still shocked Trump is president. What a sad sack you are!

  4. Maybe the polls should have asked Ocean City people instead of New York City people and the election results would not have come as such a surprise.

  5. 4:50 PM Not shocked you’re shocked. People who don’t prowl around with Joe are not as smart as those who do.

  6. And they should . With each boat costing 2-3 mill. Trump just did them a huge solid with reducing the tax rate! If I had that kind of money I would be dancing naked in the street.

    1. I make 50 and saving 2200. Take your socialist bs and leave USA. Thank you.

  7. 6:32 PM The polls are just lies.

    What I love is how much the MSM is trying to turn us away from him and it is having just the opposite effect. People are flocking to his rallies and are no longer afraid to show their support.


  8. What's not to love...lower taxes, less regs, conservative judges, huge V.A. improvements, military pay increase, bye bye climate accord, bye bye Obama Care, strong religious freedom and 2nd amendment support, working hard on keeping America safe and immigration control, building the wall, jobs, jobs, jobs, stock market highs, draining the swamp one traitor at a time, exposing and tracking down sex/child traffickers and so much more.

  9. Thank you President Trump... looking forward to your re-election in 2020.

  10. We fly 5! 4 on our barn and one on our house. No one can see them though because our drive is almost a mile long and through woods. I would love to line our front field with about 30 of them but I know the level the anti President Trump people have sunk to and they would be stolen or destroyed.

  11. MAGA! I voted for him and will again; just wish he could learn to stop the bashing.

  12. 7:32
    People that work for a living make money. Those that do not depend on the democrats like you to give them free stuff.

  13. "Anonymous said...

    And they should . With each boat costing 2-3 mill. Trump just did them a huge solid with reducing the tax rate! If I had that kind of money I would be dancing naked in the street.

    September 2, 2018 at 7:32 PM"

    This is absolutely false! See this is the problem with you CNN Fake News watchers. They tell the lies and you people are so incredibly dumb and/or liars yourselves so you spread the lies.
    Now let me set you straight! PRESIDENT Trump did NOT reduce the tax rate for higher income earners-you got it! As a matter of FACT (and I know how you liars HATE facts) higher income earners are paying more!
    Another FACT for you FACT hating people. The tax plan is going to benefit ALMOST all tax payers. All tax payers are the middle to lower income people. The upper 10-20 percent won't befit at all or will be paying more.

    1. Not so fast with your facts. The way I hear it is Industry got a huge tax break - therefore US companies moving back to US. Why do you think these boater have million dollar boats - they are business ownsers thus the lower tax rate. Just saying. If not a fact speak up please.

  14. Somerset County loves President Trump too as do almost every county in the US! Time for the lying media to stop covering for the Democrats!

  15. Stop wasting your time on 8:50! They will never understand how things work. They only understand democrats running things into the ground. Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit and on and on and on!

  16. 8:50 Ever seen a poor man give another poor man a job that helps him provide for his family? Giving a business inventive to come back to the US is a good idea. Let Americans do those jobs instead of the Chinese etc.


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