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Sunday, September 30, 2018

Well, Well...


  1. Trump speaks for most " true" Americans....
    Big Mike

  2. Thank God for President Trump.

  3. President Trump is absolutely correct. Past person is totally incorrect.

  4. FRIGGIN AWESOME GO TRUMP..tell em to take the demonic NWO and stick it

  5. I have a question. Why is Malia Obama's net worth over $175,000,000?

  6. God Bless OUR President! MAGA!

  7. Not my president. Your president, president orange tweety, is an embarrassment to this country and its citizens.

    1. Then move to a country that you can be happy with this should be easy for you to do.

    2. Who is your president then snowflake

    3. You must really hate America or you just want to be different in your opinions to get attention.

  8. Dave T: We don't need any more advice from you Obozo. Your eight long years of total failure are a disgrace and your legacy is in ruins as it should be. This is the result of what happens when someone who isn't a leader, pretends to be one. You are unfit to lecture the American people on anything.

  9. 12:47 you are an embarrassment to this country. We have all had in our life time maybe a president that wasn't our favorite but until Hillary and her failure to get "the Position" such bigotry and hatred for a president. Years ago anyone just saying what you are saying about a president & our Commander and Chief you would be investigated as a traitor. Give your name to us and let us look you up and see what your record is traitor.

  10. Sorry 12:47 he is your president regardless of what you stated. You and your kind are the embarrassment to MY country.

  11. So sorry you are so unhappy 12:47. It is such a beautiful day and you are missing it. Rethink a few things, it's not too late for happiness. Myself, every time I think who is in our White House now, I am so happy. I was once sad like yourself, until orange tweety came along and saved the day and country.

  12. 12:47 Boo Hoo If you are an American he is your president. There is nothing you can do about it. Unless of course you denounce your American citizenship. So please make President Trump "Not your President" and denounce your citizenship and move away. We don't need you.

  13. Yea, except the free market concept and capitalism are in conflict with this nationalist tomfoolery.

  14. I'm not sure I understand what Obama actually said. And any time a Democrat says that we must work together, it's for them.

    With Trump, it's no problem understanding.

  15. 12:47......yes he is your President.

    And he is KICKING ACE.

    Your monkey pretender hero was an embarrassment to any cop, military (active or not), anyone working, anyone paying taxes, and anyone who knew about ANY American history before 1990.
    obama was a total goof who TALKED a great game. Trump walks the walk.
    An American President DOES NOT bow down to anyone or tour the world telling everyone how sorry he is that we are so F'd up and have F'd up the world so badly. Trump is putting them back on the right page....
    Which is why people call the USA whenever they are in trouble.
    Who do YOU recommend they call? Denmark? Sweden? Saudi Arabia?
    I can't wait until 2020. You think Hillary took an ass-whipping??
    The NEXT democrat will not be a candidate as much as a sacrificial lamb sent out because they HAD to send SOMEONE.
    I can't think of a single democrat who could stand five MINUTES in a debate without looking as stupid as a rock.
    Keep cheering.


  16. 12:47 Consider moving North to Canada with Michael Moore. You could live quite comfortably just on the scraps that fly off his table.

    Best Wishes; dress warmly.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Not my president. Your president, president orange tweety, is an embarrassment to this country and its citizens.

    September 26, 2018 at 12:47 PM

    Oh look, he is still using the "orange" reference. That is so funny and mature...NOT.

    I will just assume you are 12yo and just repeat what other mental midgets repeat.

    Even if not 12yo, you act like one. It must be frustrating to be so irrelevant and not smart enough to come up with anything factual to say, or even an original insult.

    Here's a tip, people have moved on and don't pay any attention to that sort of thing any longer or any other nonsense blather.

    We like our "Cheeto" and the things he is accomplishing. Obviously, most things are over your head but maybe someday you will understand.


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